Hei, Minun olisi tarkoitus verrata kahta erilaista exceliä sillain että jos
"excel b, solu x sisältää tietyn sanan niin sitten kyseiseltä excel riviltä kopioidaan tietyt solut excel a;han soluihin y,x,e etc..."
Sain koodin valmiiksi, mutta se on aivan liian hidas. Minulla on kaksi exceliä jotka molemmat sisältävät yli 100 tuhatta riviä. Onkohan olemassa nopeampaa tapaa vai pitääkö vaan odottaa monta päivää että vertailu on valmis?
Tässä alla koodini.
Dim xx As Long Sub etsi() Dim LastRow As Long Dim x As Long Dim nimi As String Const NIMICOLUMN = 1 Const Sheet1 = "Sheet1" Const Workbook1 = "omaapteekit.xlsm" Windows(Workbook1).Activate With ActiveSheet LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row End With Set shtJt = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet For x = 2 To LastRow nimi = shtJt.Cells(x, NIMICOLUMN) etsikohde nimi, Workbook1, Sheet1, x Next x End Sub Sub etsikohde(nimi As String, Workbook1 As String, Sheet1 As String, pos As Long) Const Workbook2 = "names.xlsx" Const sheet2 = "nimilista" Dim LastRow As Long Dim x As Long Const nimi = 1 Const nimi2 = 2 Const nimi3 = 3 Const nimi4 = 4 Const nimi5 = 5 Const nimi6 = 6 Const nimi7 = 7 Const nimi8 = 8 Const nimi9 = 9 Const nimi10 = 10 Const nimi11 = 4 Const nimi12 = 4 Windows(Workbook2).Activate 'Worksheets(Workbook2).Activate Sheets(sheet2).Select With ActiveSheet LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row End With Set shtJt = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet For x = 16 To LastRow xx = xx + 1 If xx > 10000 Then DoEvents ' tee tätä vain silloin tällöin xx = 0 End If If etsimonta(nimi, x, nimi) = 1 Then Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi4) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 1) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi5) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 2) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi6) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 4) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi7) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 5) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi8) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 6) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi9) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 7) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi10) Workbooks(Workbook1).Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(pos, ALKUSARAKE + 8) = shtJt.Cells(x, nimi11) Exit Sub End If Next x End Sub Function etsimonta(nimi As String, pos As Long, nimi As Integer) As Integer Dim len1 As Integer Dim strings(20) As String Dim nimi As String Dim rng As String Dim x As Integer Set shtJt = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet rng = "D" + Format(pos) On Error GoTo loppu nimi = shtJt.Cells(pos, nimi) With Worksheets(1).Range(rng) Set c = .Find(nimi, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do Set c = .FindNext(c) If c <> "" Then x = x + 1 Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress End If End With etsimonta = x Exit Function loppu: etsimonta = 0 End Function Sub cc() Dim nimi As String Dim x As Integer Dim rng As String rng = "D" + Format(16) With Worksheets(1).Range(rng) Set c = .Find(nimi, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do Set c = .FindNext(c) If c <> "" Then x = x + 1 Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress End If End With End Sub
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