Minä löysin tälläisen Js scruptin miten sitä pystyisi käyttää? En ole saanut toimimaan. Sen pitäisi toimia.
/<script> function chaserRollover(imgid,imgsrc) { nnstr=(document.layers)?"document.layers.CC.":"" eval(nnstr+"document.images['"+imgid+"'].src='"+imgsrc+"'") } function ClassChaser(divName, objName,takeOffTop, takeOffBottom) { // note the object is assuming that the magins of the HTML page are set to 0 //Properties this.objName=objName this.name=divName this.takeOffTop=(takeOffTop!=null)?parseInt(takeOffTop):0; //default value to 0 this.takeOffBottom=(takeOffBottom!=null)?parseInt(takeOffBottom):0; //default value to 0 this.startPos //position where the div start chasing from this.endPos //position where the div end chasing in this.styleRef //refers to div styles according to browsers this.divObj //div object reference this.availableScrollingHeight //available height for the div to scroll in this.divHeight //chaserHeight this.callRate = 10 this.slideTime = 1200 this.A this.B this.C this.D this.interval this.initialised //methods this.init = m_sw_init; this.findObj = m_sw_findObj; this.main = m_sw_main; this.slide = m_sw_slide; this.slideInit = m_sw_slideInit; this.startChase = m_sw_startChase; } function m_sw_init() { this.macstr='MacPPC' this.ismac = (navigator.platform == this.macstr) //alert('hello'); this.styleRef=(document.layers)?"":".style" this.divObj=this.findObj(this.name) //position layer eval("this.divObj"+this.styleRef+".top=this.takeOffTop") this.divHeight=(document.layers)?parseInt(this.divObj.document.height):((document.all)?parseInt(this.divObj.clientHeight):parseInt(this.divObj.offsetHeight)) this.availableScrollingHeight=((document.all)?((this.ismac)?parseInt(document.body.offsetHeight):parseInt(document.body.scrollHeight)):parseInt(document.height))-this.takeOffTop-this.takeOffBottom-this.divHeight this.startPos=this.takeOffTop this.endPos=this.availableScrollingHeight+this.takeOffTop; this.initialised=true if (!document.all) { eval("this.interval=setInterval(\'"+this.objName+".main()\',this.callRate)");//this.callRate } } function m_sw_findObj(n,d) { var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p); } //Case IE if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; //Case NN for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=this.findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); //Case NN6 if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function m_sw_main() { eval("this.currentY=parseInt(this.divObj"+this.styleRef+".top)") this.scrollTop = (document.all)?parseInt(document.body.scrollTop):parseInt(window.pageYOffset); var newTargetY = this.scrollTop +(this.startPos) if ( this.currentY != newTargetY ) { if ( newTargetY != this.targetY ) { this.targetY = newTargetY if (this.availableScrollingHeight>0) this.slideInit( ) } if (this.availableScrollingHeight>0) this.slide( ) } } function m_sw_slideInit() { var now = new Date( ) this.A = this.targetY - this.currentY this.B = Math.PI / ( 2 * this.slideTime ) this.C = now.getTime( ) if (Math.abs(this.A) > this.availableScrollingHeight) { this.D = this.A > 0 ? this.targetY - this.availableScrollingHeight : this.targetY + this.availableScrollingHeight this.A = this.A > 0 ? this.availableScrollingHeight : -this.availableScrollingHeight } else { this.D = this.currentY } } function m_sw_slide() { var now = new Date( ) var newY = this.A * Math.sin( this.B * ( now.getTime( ) - this.C ) ) + this.D newY = Math.round( newY ) if (( (this.A > 0) && (newY > this.currentY) && (newY<=this.endPos)) || ( (this.A < 0) && (newY < this.currentY) && (newY<=this.endPos) )) { eval("this.divObj"+this.styleRef+".top=newY") } if ((newY==this.targetY)&& (this.interval)&&(document.all)) { clearInterval(this.interval) } } function m_sw_startChase() { if ((document.all)&&(this.initialised)) { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(this.interval) } eval("this.interval=setInterval(\'"+this.objName+".main()\',this.callRate)"); } } function SurfTo(PageLocation) { window.location.href = PageLocation; }
Mukana tuli myös tälläinen
//window.onunload=launchQuestionnaire function launchQuestionnaire() { window.open('http://' + window.location.host + '/questionnaire/webexperience.asp','questionnaire','height=470,width=550,scrollbars=1'); self.focus(); } function validEmail(address) { var invalids = " /:,;"; if (address == "") return false; for (i=0; i<invalids.length; i++) { badChar = invalids.charAt(i) if (address.indexOf(badChar,0)>1) { return false; } } atPos = address.indexOf("@",1) if (atPos == -1) return false; if (address.indexOf("@",atPos+1) != -1) return false; periodPos = address.indexOf(".",atPos) if (periodPos == -1) return false; if (periodPos+3 > address.length) return false; return true; }
TUSKA ja KÄRSIMYS osaksesi putkan layoutin roilaamisesta...
On yleensä hyödytöntä iskeä jotain koodia tänne ja ilmoittaa jotta tässä koodi, missä virhe?
Eli: mitä tuon pitäisi tehdä, mitä se ei tee, ja miten sen toiminta on virheellinen?
Ja herran tähden laita sinne rivinvaihtoja... Layout on piloilla X(
heheh, ja eikun kaikki vain perehtymään :)
Voin perehtyä koodiin 30 eurolla/tunti, minimivelotus yks tunti :)
Viideskymmenesseitsämäs rivi, kahdeskymmenesneljäs kirjain. Mietippä laskinko välit / tyhjät rivit ;)
Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.