SendKeys/TextToSpeech leikkikalu joka toimii myös Windows 11 versiossa...
Set Ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "Notepad.exe" WScript.Sleep 1000 Ws.AppActivate "Notepad" Msg = "HELLO PUTKA WORLD!" & vbCrLf For i = 1 To Len(Msg) WScript.Sleep 100 Ws.SendKeys Mid(Msg, i, 1) WScript.Sleep 100 Next Call SpeakVoice(Msg) Set Ws = Nothing Function SpeakVoice(msg) Dim voice, token, voices Set voice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") Set voices = voice.GetVoices ' Select the desired voice by name For Each token In voices If InStr(token.GetDescription, "Microsoft Dave") > 0 Then Set voice.Voice = token Exit For End If Next voice.Speak msg Set voice = Nothing End Function
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