Minulla on ongelma luupata List- ja Collection-luokat:
while (iterator.hasNext()) { Issue issueIter = (Issue) iterator.next(); Status status = issueIter.getStatusObject(); //// koodia Collection<Issue> subTasks = issueIter.getSubTaskObjects(); System.out.println(subTasks.size()); if (subTasks.size() == 0) { obj = new JSONObject() .put("Id", issueIter.getId()) .put("Name",issueIter.getKey()+": "+issueIter.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone",percentDone) .put("leaf",true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("StartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate",due.toString()); //.put("BaselineEndDate",due.toString()); arr.put(obj); } else { for (Iterator subTasksIterator=subTasks.iterator(); subTasksIterator.hasNext();) { Issue subtask = (Issue) subTasksIterator.next(); if (subtask.getOriginalEstimate()==null) { orgEstSub = 0.0; doubleOrgEstSub = Double.valueOf(orgEstSub); percentOrgEstSub = 0; } else { orgEstSub = Double.valueOf(subtask.getOriginalEstimate()); doubleOrgEstSub = Double.valueOf(orgEstSub / 3600); percentOrgEstSub = subtask.getOriginalEstimate(); } if (subtask.getEstimate()==null) { remEstSub = 0.0; doubleRemEstSub = Double.valueOf(remEstSub); } else { remEstSub = Double.valueOf(subtask.getEstimate()); doubleRemEstSub = Double.valueOf(remEstSub / 3600); } if (subtask.getTimeSpent()==null || doubleOrgEstSub==0.0) { gtsSub = 0; percentDoneSub = 0; } else { gtsSub = subtask.getTimeSpent(); percentDoneSub = gtsSub * 100 / percentOrgEstSub; } if (subtask.getDueDate()==null) { enddateSub = subtask.getCreated(); duedateSub = enddateSub.getTime() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; dueSub = new Timestamp(duedateSub); } else { enddateSub = subtask.getDueDate(); duedateSub = enddateSub.getTime(); dueSub = new Timestamp(duedateSub); } try{ if (cfm.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Start Date")==null) { timestampSub = subtask.getCreated(); } else { Object cfSub = subtask.getCustomFieldValue(cfm.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Start Date")); if (cfSub==null) { timestampSub = subtask.getCreated(); } else { //System.out.println(cf); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatSub = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S"); Date parsedDateSub = dateFormatSub.parse(cfSub.toString()); timestampSub = new java.sql.Timestamp(parsedDateSub.getTime()); } } } catch(ParseException e) { //this generic but you can control another types of exception look the origin of excption e.printStackTrace(); } Timestamp createddateSub = timestampSub; if (subtask.isSubTask()) { objSub = new JSONObject() .put("Id", subtask.getId()) .put("Name",subtask.getKey()+": "+subtask.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone",percentDoneSub) .put("leaf",true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddateSub.toString()) .put("StartDate",createddateSub.toString()) .put("EndDate",dueSub.toString()); //.put("parentId",subtask.getParentId()) //.put("BaselineEndDate",dueSub.toString()); children.put(objSub); } else { } } subTasks.clear(); //arr.put(obj); obj = new JSONObject() .put("Id", issueIter.getId()) .put("Name",issueIter.getKey()+": "+issueIter.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone",percentDone) .put("leaf",false) .put("expanded",true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("StartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate",due.toString()) //.put("BaselineEndDate",due.toString()) .put("children",children); arr.put(obj); } //subTasks.clear(); //} /*depencies = new JSONObject() .put("Name","Created Date of: " + issueIter.getSummary()) .put("ParentId",issueIter.getId()) .put("IsLeaf","true") .put("StartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate",createddate.toString());*/ //} //arr.put(depencies); } catch (JSONException jerr) { jerr.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Got an JSONException: " + jerr.getCause()); } }
En laittanut koko koodia esille. Eli siis tuossa if-lauseessa on sellainen vika, että subTasks Collectioni menee kaikkiin JSON objekteihin vaikka sen pitäsi mennä vain siihen objektiin missä on subTaskeja.
Siis jos ajat tuota debugissa rivi kerrallaan, niin tämä rivi System.out.println(subTasks.size());
tulostaa nolla, mutta silti suoritus jatkuu tuonne else -lohkoon? :o
Ohimennen sanoen, eikö noita sisennyksiä voisi tehdä jotenkin järjellisesti? Esim. tähän tyyliin olisi helpompi lukea
while (iterator.hasNext()) { Issue issueIter = (Issue)iterator.next(); Status status = issueIter.getStatusObject(); //// koodia Collection<Issue> subTasks = issueIter.getSubTaskObjects(); System.out.println(subTasks.size()); if (subTasks.size() == 0) { obj = new JSONObject() .put("Id", issueIter.getId()) .put("Name", issueIter.getKey() + ": " + issueIter.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone", percentDone) .put("leaf", true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("StartDate", createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate", due.toString()); //.put("BaselineEndDate",due.toString()); arr.put(obj); } else { for (Iterator subTasksIterator = subTasks.iterator(); subTasksIterator.hasNext();) { Issue subtask = (Issue)subTasksIterator.next(); if (subtask.getOriginalEstimate() == null) { orgEstSub = 0.0; doubleOrgEstSub = Double.valueOf(orgEstSub); percentOrgEstSub = 0; } else { orgEstSub = Double.valueOf(subtask.getOriginalEstimate()); doubleOrgEstSub = Double.valueOf(orgEstSub / 3600); percentOrgEstSub = subtask.getOriginalEstimate(); } if (subtask.getEstimate() == null) { remEstSub = 0.0; doubleRemEstSub = Double.valueOf(remEstSub); } else { remEstSub = Double.valueOf(subtask.getEstimate()); doubleRemEstSub = Double.valueOf(remEstSub / 3600); } if (subtask.getTimeSpent() == null || doubleOrgEstSub == 0.0) { gtsSub = 0; percentDoneSub = 0; } else { gtsSub = subtask.getTimeSpent(); percentDoneSub = gtsSub * 100 / percentOrgEstSub; } if (subtask.getDueDate() == null) { enddateSub = subtask.getCreated(); duedateSub = enddateSub.getTime() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; dueSub = new Timestamp(duedateSub); } else { enddateSub = subtask.getDueDate(); duedateSub = enddateSub.getTime(); dueSub = new Timestamp(duedateSub); } try { if (cfm.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Start Date") == null) { timestampSub = subtask.getCreated(); } else { Object cfSub = subtask.getCustomFieldValue(cfm.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Start Date")); if (cfSub == null) { timestampSub = subtask.getCreated(); } else { //System.out.println(cf); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatSub = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S"); Date parsedDateSub = dateFormatSub.parse(cfSub.toString()); timestampSub = new java.sql.Timestamp(parsedDateSub.getTime()); } } } catch (ParseException e) { //this generic but you can control another types of exception look the origin of excption e.printStackTrace(); } Timestamp createddateSub = timestampSub; if (subtask.isSubTask()) { objSub = new JSONObject() .put("Id", subtask.getId()) .put("Name", subtask.getKey() + ": " + subtask.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone", percentDoneSub) .put("leaf", true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddateSub.toString()) .put("StartDate", createddateSub.toString()) .put("EndDate", dueSub.toString()); //.put("parentId",subtask.getParentId()) //.put("BaselineEndDate",dueSub.toString()); children.put(objSub); } else { } } subTasks.clear(); //arr.put(obj); obj = new JSONObject() .put("Id", issueIter.getId()) .put("Name", issueIter.getKey() + ": " + issueIter.getSummary()) .put("PercentDone", percentDone) .put("leaf", false) .put("expanded", true) //.put("BaselineStartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("StartDate", createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate", due.toString()) //.put("BaselineEndDate",due.toString()) .put("children", children); arr.put(obj); } //subTasks.clear(); //} /*depencies = new JSONObject() .put("Name","Created Date of: " + issueIter.getSummary()) .put("ParentId",issueIter.getId()) .put("IsLeaf","true") .put("StartDate",createddate.toString()) .put("EndDate",createddate.toString());*/ //} //arr.put(depencies); }
Grez kirjoitti:
Siis jos ajat tuota debugissa rivi kerrallaan, niin tämä rivi
tulostaa nolla, mutta silti suoritus jatkuu tuonne else -lohkoon? :o
Juu koodi laittaa tuonne else-lohkoon subtaskeja vaikka ei pitäsi.
Eli täälainen ulostulo pitäisi tulla poislukien se, että subtaskeilla ei voi olla subtaskeja.
{ "success" : true, "tasks" : { "rows" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-01", "Id" : 1, "Name" : "Planning", "PercentDone" : 50, "StartDate" : "2010-01-18", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-13", "Duration" : 10, "expanded" : true, "children" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-01-28", "Id" : 11, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Investigate", "PercentDone" : 50, "TaskType" : "LowPrio", "StartDate" : "2010-01-18", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-20", "Segments" : [ { "Id" : 1, "StartDate" : "2010-01-18", "Duration" : 1 }, { "Id" : 2, "StartDate" : "2010-01-20", "Duration" : 2 }, { "Id" : 3, "StartDate" : "2010-01-25", "Duration" : 5 } ] }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-01", "Id" : 12, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Assign resources", "PercentDone" : 50, "StartDate" : "2010-01-18", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-25", "Duration" : 10 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-01", "Id" : 13, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Gather documents (not resizable)", "Resizable" : false, "PercentDone" : 50, "StartDate" : "2010-01-18", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-25", "Duration" : 10 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-04", "Id" : 17, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Report to management", "PercentDone" : 0, "StartDate" : "2010-01-30", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-29", "Duration" : 0 } ] }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-15", "Id" : 4, "TaskType" : "LowPrio", "Name" : "Implementation Phase 1", "PercentDone" : 50, "StartDate" : "2010-02-01", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-23", "Duration" : 10, "expanded" : true, "children" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-01-25", "Id" : 34, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Preparation work", "PercentDone" : 30, "StartDate" : "2010-02-01", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-20", "Duration" : 5 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-07", "Id" : 14, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Evaluate chipsets", "PercentDone" : 30, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-02-25", "StartDate" : "2010-02-01", "Duration" : 5 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-20", "Id" : 16, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Choose technology suite", "PercentDone" : 30, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-10", "StartDate" : "2010-02-01", "Duration" : 5, "Rollup" : true }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-06", "Id" : 15, "Name" : "Build prototype", "PercentDone" : 40, "StartDate" : "2010-02-08", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-28", "Duration" : 5, "expanded" : true, "children" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-06", "Id" : 20, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Step 1", "PercentDone" : 60, "StartDate" : "2010-02-08", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-01-27", "Duration" : 4 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-02-22", "Id" : 19, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Step 2", "PercentDone" : 60, "StartDate" : "2010-02-08", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-02-17", "Duration" : 4 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-07", "Id" : 18, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Step 3", "PercentDone" : 60, "StartDate" : "2010-02-08", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-02-25", "Duration" : 4 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-08", "Id" : 21, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Follow up with customer", "PercentDone" : 60, "StartDate" : "2010-02-12", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-04", "Duration" : 1, "Rollup" : true } ] } ] }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-08", "Id" : 5, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Customer approval", "PercentDone" : 0, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-01", "StartDate" : "2010-02-13", "Duration" : 0, "TaskType" : "CustomerApproval", "Rollup" : true }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-18", "Id" : 6, "Name" : "Implementation Phase 2", "PercentDone" : 50, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-08", "StartDate" : "2010-02-15", "Duration" : 8, "expanded" : true, "TaskType" : "Important", "children" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-18", "Id" : 25, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Task 1", "PercentDone" : 10, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-08", "StartDate" : "2010-02-15", "Duration" : 8 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-18", "Id" : 26, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Task 2", "PercentDone" : 20, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-08", "StartDate" : "2010-02-15", "Duration" : 8 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-18", "Id" : 27, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Task 3", "PercentDone" : 20, "StartDate" : "2010-02-15", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-08", "Duration" : 8, "Rollup" : true } ] }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-03-17", "Id" : 10, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Customer approval 2 (not draggable)", "Draggable" : false, "PercentDone" : 0, "StartDate" : "2010-02-25", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-17", "Duration" : 0 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-05-08", "Id" : 8, "Name" : "Production phase 1", "PercentDone" : 40, "StartDate" : "2010-02-25", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-02-22", "Duration" : 35, "expanded" : true, "children" : [ { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-04-07", "Id" : 22, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Assemble", "PercentDone" : 50, "StartDate" : "2010-02-25", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-03-22", "Duration" : 12 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-04-21", "Id" : 23, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Load SW", "PercentDone" : 20, "StartDate" : "2010-03-15", "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-04-06", "Duration" : 11 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-05-04", "Id" : 24, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Basic testing (inc some test)", "PercentDone" : 50, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-04-14", "StartDate" : "2010-03-30", "Duration" : 12 } ] }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-05-11", "Id" : 9, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Final testing", "PercentDone" : 0, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-05-02", "StartDate" : "2010-04-15", "Duration" : 6 }, { "BaselineEndDate" : "2010-05-11", "Id" : 7, "leaf" : true, "Name" : "Delivery", "PercentDone" : 40, "BaselineStartDate" : "2010-05-11", "StartDate" : "2010-04-23", "Duration" : 0 } ] } }
Ongelma on varmaan se, että et tyhjennä children-muuttujaa kierrosten välillä, eli jokaiselle kohdalle tulee children-muuttujasta omat ja kaikkien edellisten kohtien subtaskit. Eli olennaista olisi siirtää children-muuttuja kokonaan while-silmukan sisään, jotta se luodaan joka kierroksella uudestaan. (Sen sijaan subTasks.clear() on luultavasti väärin, ellei sillä ole jotain merkitystä muualla ohjelmassasi.)
Metabolix kirjoitti:
(22.11.2016 17:16:48): Ongelma on varmaan se, että et tyhjennä...
Moi, millä komennolla tyhjennän children-muutujan?
Siirrä koko muuttuja while-silmukkaan, niin ei tarvitse erikseen tyhjentää sitä. Esimerkistäsi olettaisin, että muuttuja on JSONArray, eli näin:
while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray children = new JSONArray(); // ... }
P.S. Etkö olekaan vielä rautainen ammattilainen?
Metabolix kirjoitti:
P.S. Etkö olekaan vielä rautainen ammattilainen?
Java-taidoissa on vielä puutetta, mutta PHP/MySQL/AJAX-ohjelmointiin en tarvitse apua.
Lisäys: Kiitos avusta. Koodi toimii nyt kuten pitää!
Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.