


Keskustelu: Ohjelmointikysymykset: C++: Mato ohjelma / labyrintti

Sobhy [31.05.2016 23:58:08]


#include <iostream> //for input & output
#include <ctime> //to use time in c++
#include <cstdlib> //to use system ("cls")
using namespace std;
const int MAX=6; //maxmimum of the array 6 fields
char grid [MAX][MAX]; //initialize a tow dimentional array 6*6
int wall = 0;
Wall has to be implemented in a struct or in a position class to check the
validity of processing forward in the same row or jumbing to another row
void waitTimeInSeconds ( int seconds ); //define the function
void print (); //define the function
void reversePrint(); //print the grid
int main ()
 //fill the grid with the feed "syöte" '*'
  for (int i=1; i <= MAX; i++)
  for (int j=1; j <= MAX; j++)
      grid [i][j]= '*';

int TimeToLaunch= MAX; //Make time steps equal to the grid field amount
//cout<<"Enter how many seconds to launch > ";
int cordX=1; //initialize x-axis of the grid
int cordY = 1; //initialize y axis of the grid
while (cordX==1, cordY < MAX-1) //while going through the grid not finished yet
for (int i=0; TimeToLaunch>i; TimeToLaunch--) // start count untill finish
//cout<<TimeToLaunch <<endl;
waitTimeInSeconds (1); //directs/pause output to wait for 1 second
//try to change the int to double to use time fraction
system("cls"); //clear the screen after every print
grid[cordX][cordY] = '<'; //fill the array
/*if (cordY>0)
	grid[cordX][cordY-1]=' ';
print(); //print the grid
grid[cordX][cordY] = ' '; //unfill the array
//cout<<"i: "<<i<<", cordX: "<<cordX<<", cordY: "<<cordY<<endl;
cordY++; //fill the row
int verseCordY = MAX; //initialize y axis of the grid
int verseTimeToLaunch= MAX;
int reversecordX = 2;
while (reversecordX==2, verseCordY >1) //while going through the grid not finished yet
for (int i=0; verseTimeToLaunch>i; verseTimeToLaunch--) // start count untill finish
// cout<<"Time loop starts"<<endl;
waitTimeInSeconds (1); //directs/pause output to wait for 1 second
//try to change the int to double to use time fraction
system("cls"); //clear the screen after every print, use clear when using unix
if (i==0){
grid[reversecordX-1][verseCordY]=' ';
/*if (verseCordY<MAX)
	grid[reversecordX][verseCordY+1]=' ';
grid[reversecordX][verseCordY] = '>'; //fill the array
print(); //print the grid
grid[reversecordX][verseCordY] = ' '; //unfill the array
verseCordY--; //fill the row
waitTimeInSeconds (1); //directs/pause output to wait for 1 second
system("cls"); //clear the screen after every print, use clear when using unix
print(); //print the grid
return 0; //return success
} //end of main
//-------------------------------------- *
void print() //print the game grid
  for (int i=1; i<=MAX; i++){ //count from 1>6: length of the grid array
    cout<<" _"; //fill the upper ceiling of the grid
  cout<<endl; //make a new line to start building the walls and floors of grid
  for (int i=1; i<=1; i++){ //printing the rest of the grid
    for(int j=1; j<=MAX; j++){
      //grid[i][j]='_'; //print the ceiling
      cout<<"|"<< grid[i][j]; //print the walls inside the grid
    }//end of for y
  cout<<"|"; //to print the right out door
  cout<<endl; //make a new line
}//end of for i
/*for(int i =1; i<=MAX; i++){
  cout<<" _"; //print the walls inside the grid
 		for (int i =1; i<=MAX;i++) //draw the ceiling of the grid
	cout<<"|_";  //consists of a space and underscore character  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
}  //end of for
cout<<"|"; //print the right wall of the grid
for (int i=2; i<=2; i++){ //printing the rest of the grid
for(int j=1; j<=MAX; j++){
//grid[i][ j]='_'; //print the ceiling
cout<<"|"<< grid[i][j]; //print the walls inside the grid
}//end of for y
cout<<"|"; //to print the right out door
		for (int i =1; i<=MAX;i++) //draw the ceiling of the grid
	cout<<"|_";  //consists of a space and underscore character  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
}  //end of for
cout<<"|"; //print the right wall of the grid
cout<<endl; //make a new line
}//end of for i
} //end of the
void reversePrint() //print toinen rivi in the grid
for (int i=2; i<=MAX; i++){ //count from 1>6: length of the grid array
cout<<" _"; //fill the upper ceiling of the grid
cout<<endl; //make a new line to start building the walls and floors of grid
for (int i=2; i<=2; i++){ //printing the rest of the grid
for(int j=1; j<=MAX; j++){
//grid[i][ j]='_'; //print the ceiling
cout<<"|"<< grid[i][j]; //print the walls inside the grid
}//end of y
cout<<"|"; //to print the right out door

cout<<endl; //make a new line
}//end of for i
void waitTimeInSeconds ( int seconds ) //function
clock_t countDown; //clock_t represents clock tick
countDown = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
//Function clock() returns the processor time consumed by the program.
//CLOCKS_PER_SEC: representing the number of clock ticks per second.
while (clock() < countDown) {} //count desendingly
}//End of the program

Sobhy [09.06.2016 00:14:58]


system("cls"); voi aiheuttaa ettei ohjelma toimi, pitäisi korjata se jos käytät linuxin käyttöjärjestelmää, system("clean")

Metabolix [09.06.2016 00:19:53]


Laita jatkossa aina koodien ympärille kooditagit. Lue keskustelun ohjeet.

Kaikkia harjoituksia ei ole pakko lähettää nettiin.


Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.

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