


Keskustelu: Yleinen keskustelu: Sormenjälkitunnistin ei käynnisty

novice [10.10.2011 09:05:17]


Loin käyttäjätililleni ja järjestelmänvalojatilille vahvat salasanat ja otin käyttöön tietokoneeni(Lenovo ThinkPad W700/Win7Pro) sormenjälkitunnistimen.
Ajattelin, että nythän minun ei tarvitse näpytellä pitkää salasanaa aina koneelle kirjautuessani, riittä kun pyyhkäisen sormellani sormenjälkitunnistinta. Juuri noinhan se toimiikin, paitsi kun kone käynnistetään sammutuksen jälkeen:
Sormenjälkitunnistin ei jostain syystä käynnisty, ja kun yritän kirjautua käyttäjätilille salasanalla, kone herjaa: Voit kirjautua vain sormenjälkitunnistuksella, mutta sormenjälkitunnistin ei ole nyt toiminnassa, ota yhteyttä järj.valvojaan.
Kun kirjaudun salasanalla järjestelmävalvojan tilille ja taas ulos, on tunnistin toiminnassa ja pääsen kirjautumaan käyttäjätililleni.

Hieman kankeaa vai mitä?

Onkohan minulla jokin asetus pielessä jota en nyt löydä?
Onko kukaan törmännyt vastaavaan ongelmaan?

groovyb [12.10.2011 10:21:13]


Control panel -> System & Security -> Lenovo - Fingerprint reader

The ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Settings dialog contains various options for setting up ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software. Only an administrator can change these settings.

To display Settings:

Select: Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Lenovo - Fingerprint Reader.
Scan your finger or enter your Windows password and click Submit .
Click on Settings. A shield icon is not visible in case that elevation is not required.

Fingerprint Logon
To enable fingerprint logon, you must enroll your fingerprints (see Fingerprint Enrollment).

During user enrollment, fingerprint samples are scanned and the connection between fingerprint samples and the Windows user account is created. When a user wishes to logon again, the logon dialog will prompt the user to scan their finger. The enrolled fingerprint is recognized and the user is logged on.

You can bypass the fingerprint verification by clicking on your original user tile and entering your password. This option may not be available when not allowed by the administrator. See Settings (for administrators only).

Biometric logon also protects your screensaver and wake-up from power-saving features (password protected resume from screensaver and standby must be set on your system).

To disable/enable Fingerprint Logon:

Select: Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Lenovo - Fingerprint Reader.
Scan your finger or enter your Windows password and click Submit .
Select Settings > the Authentication tab.
Uncheck/check the Use fingerprint scan instead of password when logging into Windows.
Note: You must establish a Windows password to protect your computer. If a Windows password is not established, ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software cannot secure access to your computer.

In this dialog Windows logon and Power-on features can be set-up. Options for working with power-on security are displayed only if your computer supports this feature (supported mainly in laptops) and if allowed by the Always show power-on security options policy described below. Only an administrator can change these settings.

To change authentication settings:

Click the Authentication tab in Settings .
Check/uncheck following options:
Windows authentication
Use fingerprint scan instead of password when logging into Windows.
When this option is selected fingerprint logon to your computer is enabled. Logon and unlock operations can be done using fingerprint. The usual Windows logon can still be used as well.

Require fingerprint logon for non-Administrator users will force all users without administrative privileges to use the fingerprint logon only. Only administrators can logon or unlock using passsword.
Enable Windows password recovery
The Windows password stored with user’s fingerprints may be revealed after verification.

Always show power-on security options
Show power-on security even in case that the BIOS does not report this feature as enabled or present. Check this to always show the settings bellow.

Power-on security
The power-on security feature prevents unauthorized access to the user's computer at the BIOS-level. Computers with power-on security enabled will not load the operating system from the hard drive without successful fingerprint authentication.

Fingerprint samples are stored in the memory of your fingerprint device. During computer boot, you are asked for a fingerprint authentication. You have a limited time to scan a finger. The computer will boot only if the scanned fingerprint matches a sample stored in the memory of the device. After successful verification, the boot process continues normally.

Use fingerprint scan instead of power-on and hard drive passwords.
Select this option to perform the authetication at the BIOS level by fingerprint .

Use fingerprint scan instead of power-on button (optional)
In case an enrolled fingreprint is used to power up the computer, the system boot is enabled and you are logged into Windows without another authentication. In case the system is powered-up by way of the usual power-on button, it will operate normally and you will be prompted to authenticate.

Click Manage authorized remove authorized users’ fingerprints for power-on security.

Enable single sign-on capability
Select this option to perform power-on and logon fingerprint authentication in one step. Users verified at the BIOS level are automatically logged on to Windows.

Click OK.

novice [25.10.2011 08:42:53]


Groovyb: minulla on sama ohje suomeksi, enkä tarkoittanut tuota koneen käynnistyksen suojausta BIOS-tasolla, kuten ehkä luulit.

Nyt toimii salasanalla kirjautuminen kaikissa tilanteissa... mutta sormenjälkitunnistin ei edelleenkän käynnisty...
Horros- ja lepotilasta käynnistettäessä toimii moitteetta, mutta sammutuksen(virrat pois, kaikki pimeäksi) jälkeisessä käynnistyksessä ei..
Sormenjälkitunnistimen kuvake kyllä näkyy hetken aikaa (teksti: Odota hetki...) ja katoaa sitten.


Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.

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