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<html> <head> <title>PlanetWWW Files</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function doSecure() { alert( 'JavaScript 1.2 or above required.' ); } function doUnsecure() { alert( 'JavaScript 1.2 or above required.' ); } // End --> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- Begin function permutationGenerator(nNumElements) { this.nNumElements = nNumElements; this.antranspositions = new Array; var k = 0; for (i = 0; i < nNumElements - 1; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < nNumElements; j++) this.antranspositions[ k++ ] = ( i << 8 ) | j; // keep two positions as lo and hi byte! this.nNumtranspositions = k; this.fromCycle = permutationGenerator_fromCycle; } function permutationGenerator_fromCycle(anCycle) { var anpermutation = new Array(this.nNumElements); for (var i = 0; i < this.nNumElements; i++) anpermutation[i] = i; for (var i = 0; i < anCycle.length; i++) { var nT = this.antranspositions[anCycle[i]]; var n1 = nT & 255; var n2 = (nT >> 8) & 255; nT = anpermutation[n1]; anpermutation[n1] = anpermutation[n2]; anpermutation[n2] = nT; } return anpermutation; } function password(strpasswd) { this.strpasswd = strpasswd; this.getHashValue = password_getHashValue; this.getpermutation = password_getpermutation; } function password_getHashValue() { var m = 907633409; var a = 65599; var h = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.strpasswd.length; i++) h = (h % m) * a + this.strpasswd.charCodeAt(i); return h; } function password_getpermutation() { var nNUMELEMENTS = 13; var nCYCLELENGTH = 21; pg = new permutationGenerator(nNUMELEMENTS); var anCycle = new Array(nCYCLELENGTH); var npred = this.getHashValue(); for (var i = 0; i < nCYCLELENGTH; i++) { npred = 314159269 * npred + 907633409; anCycle[i] = npred % pg.nNumtranspositions; } return pg.fromCycle(anCycle); } function SecureContext(strText, strSignature, bEscape) { this.strSIGNATURE = strSignature || ''; this.bESCApE = bEscape || false; this.strText = strText; this.escape = SecureContext_escape; this.unescape = SecureContext_unescape; this.transliterate = SecureContext_transliterate; this.encypher = SecureContext_encypher; this.decypher = SecureContext_decypher; this.sign = SecureContext_sign; this.unsign = SecureContext_unsign; this.secure = SecureContext_secure; this.unsecure = SecureContext_unsecure; } function SecureContext_escape(strToEscape) { var strEscaped = ''; for (var i = 0; i < strToEscape.length; i++) { var chT = strToEscape.charAt( i ); switch(chT) { case '\r': strEscaped += '\\r'; break; case '\n': strEscaped += '\\n'; break; case '\\': strEscaped += '\\\\'; break; default: strEscaped += chT; } } return strEscaped; } function SecureContext_unescape(strToUnescape) { var strUnescaped = ''; var i = 0; while (i < strToUnescape.length) { var chT = strToUnescape.charAt(i++); if ('\\' == chT) { chT = strToUnescape.charAt( i++ ); switch( chT ) { case 'r': strUnescaped += '\r'; break; case 'n': strUnescaped += '\n'; break; case '\\': strUnescaped += '\\'; break; default: // not possible } } else strUnescaped += chT; } return strUnescaped; } function SecureContext_transliterate(btransliterate) { var strDest = ''; var nTextIter = 0; var nTexttrail = 0; while (nTextIter < this.strText.length) { var strRun = ''; var cSkipped = 0; while (cSkipped < 7 && nTextIter < this.strText.length) { var chT = this.strText.charAt(nTextIter++); if (-1 == strRun.indexOf(chT)) { strRun += chT; cSkipped = 0; } else cSkipped++; } while (nTexttrail < nTextIter) { var nRunIdx = strRun.indexOf(this.strText.charAt(nTexttrail++)); if (btransliterate) { nRunIdx++ if (nRunIdx == strRun.length) nRunIdx = 0; } else { nRunIdx--; if (nRunIdx == -1) nRunIdx += strRun.length; } strDest += strRun.charAt(nRunIdx); } } this.strText = strDest; } function SecureContext_encypher(anperm) { var strEncyph = ''; var nCols = anperm.length; var nRows = this.strText.length / nCols; for (var i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { var k = anperm[ i ]; for (var j = 0; j < nRows; j++) { strEncyph += this.strText.charAt(k); k += nCols; } } this.strText = strEncyph; } function SecureContext_decypher(anperm) { var nRows = anperm.length; var nCols = this.strText.length / nRows; var anRowOfs = new Array; for (var i = 0 ; i < nRows; i++) anRowOfs[ anperm[ i ] ] = i * nCols; var strplain = ''; for (var i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < nRows; j++) strplain += this.strText.charAt(anRowOfs[ j ] + i); } this.strText = strplain; } function SecureContext_sign(nCols) { if (this.bESCApE) { this.strText = this.escape(this.strText); this.strSIGNATURE = this.escape(this.strSIGNATURE); } var nTextLen = this.strText.length + this.strSIGNATURE.length; var nMissingCols = nCols - (nTextLen % nCols); var strpadding = ''; if (nMissingCols < nCols) for (var i = 0; i < nMissingCols; i++) strpadding += ' '; var x = this.strText.length; this.strText += strpadding + this.strSIGNATURE; } function SecureContext_unsign(nCols) { if (this.bESCApE) { this.strText = this.unescape(this.strText); this.strSIGNATURE = this.unescape(this.strSIGNATURE); } if ('' == this.strSIGNATURE) return true; var nTextLen = this.strText.lastIndexOf(this.strSIGNATURE); if (-1 == nTextLen) return false; this.strText = this.strText.substr(0, nTextLen); return true; } function SecureContext_secure(strpasswd) { var passwd = new password(strpasswd); var anperm = passwd.getpermutation() this.sign(anperm.length); this.transliterate(true); this.encypher(anperm); } function SecureContext_unsecure(strpasswd) { var passwd = new password(strpasswd); var anperm = passwd.getpermutation() this.decypher(anperm); this.transliterate(false); return this.unsign(anperm.length); } // End --> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- Begin function doSecure() { var sc = new SecureContext(document.frmSecurity.txtUnsecure.value, document.frmSecurity.txtSign.value, document.frmSecurity.chkNewLines.checked); sc.secure(document.frmSecurity.txtPassw.value); document.frmSecurity.txtSecure.value = sc.strText; document.frmSecurity.txtUnsecure.value = ''; } function doUnsecure() { var sc = new SecureContext(document.frmSecurity.txtSecure.value, document.frmSecurity.txtSign.value, document.frmSecurity.chkNewLines.checked); if (!sc.unsecure(document.frmSecurity.txtPassw.value)) { alert('Ooops!!! Wrong answer!'); document.frmSecurity.txtUnsecure.value = ''; return; } document.frmSecurity.txtSecure.value = 'o7spntlpif3tl2w hptpw epgt'; document.frmSecurity.txtUnsecure.value = sc.strText; alert('Correct!!!'); } // End --> </script> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .passinput { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; color: #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px #999999 solid} --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="http://www.popuptraffic.com/assign.php?l=sf"></script> </head> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <table width="640" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><img src="logo-t.gif" width="402" height="40"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006600"><img src="logo-b.gif" width="402" height="19"></td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <p align="center"><font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><i><font color="#006600">How to get the password</font></i></font></p> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>1.</b> Go to: <a href="http://lookat.subportal.com" target="_blank">http://lookat.subportal.com</a>. Click on the <b>eBay</b><font size="1">®</font> banner at the bottom of that page and register at eBay website. The registration is FREE.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>2.</b> You have to complete the full registration process, including the email confirmation.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>3.</b> When you complete the full process you'll taken to a confirmation page. On that page find the sentence after the number '4' and before the word 'Congratulations'.</font></p> <form name=frmSecurity> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>What's the sentence after the number '4' and before the word 'Congratulations'?</b><br> (Paste the full sentence in the field below, including the '!' at the end) <br> Answer:</font> <input type=text name=txtPassw size=20 value=""> <input type=hidden name=txtSign size=20 value="pwww"> <input type=hidden name=chkNewLines value="0"> <input type=button value="Submit answer" name=btnUnsecure onclick="doUnsecure()"> <br> <br> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>The password is:</b> </font> <input type=hidden name=txtSecure value="o7spntlpif3tl2w hptpw epgt"> <input type="text" name="txtUnsecure" size="20" value="" class="passinput"> </form> <br> <hr width="100%" size="1" noshade> <div align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><font size="2">Copyright 2001 PlanetWWW</font><b><br> </b> <font size="2">Contact: <a href="mailto:planetwwwfiles@yahoo.com">planetwwwfiles@yahoo.com</a><br> </font></font></div> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <center> <!--STATS4ALL_START--> <script language="javascript"><!-- sver = 10;screensize="";colors="";navlan="";plug=""; ref = escape(document.referrer)+""; sUrl = escape(document.URL)+""; if((ref=="") || (ref=="undefined")){ref="bookmark";}; nav=navigator.appName; if(nav.substring(0,9)=="Microsoft"){nav="MSIE";}; version=Math.round(parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)*100); if((nav=="MSIE") && (parseInt(version)==2)){version=301;};java=""; if(navigator.appName=="Netscape"){ if(version>400) navlan=navigator.language; if(version>300)for(var i=0;i<navigator.plugins.length;i++)plug +=navigator.plugins[i].name+":"}; //--></script> <script language="javascript1.1"><!-- sver=11;java=(navigator.javaEnabled()==true)?"y":"n"; //--></script> <script language="javascript1.2"><!-- sver=12;screensize=screen.width+"*"+screen.height; colors=(nav=="MSIE")?screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth; if(colors=="undefined"){colors="";}; //--></script> <script language="javascript1.3"><!-- sver=13; //--></script> <script language="javascript"><!-- arguments="&nav="+nav+"&version="+version+"&screensize="+screensize+"&colors="+colors+"&sver="+sver; arguments+="&java="+java+"&rf="+ref+"&navlan="+navlan+"&plug="+escape(plug)+"&sUrl="+sUrl; document.write ("<A HREF='http://www.stats4all.com/asp/login.asp?sSiteName=pwwwfiles' target=_blank><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='http://www.hit.stats4all.com/asp/hit.asp?sSiteName=pwwwfiles" + arguments + "&sExtra=None'></A>") //--></script> <script language="javascript1.2"><!-- document.write("<");document.write("!--"); //--></script> <noscript> <a href='http://www.stats4all.com/asp/login.asp?sSiteName=pwwwfiles' target=_blank> <img BORDER=0 src='http://www.hit.stats4all.com/asp/hit.asp?sSiteName=pwwwfiles'></a> </noscript> <script language="javascript1.2"><!-- document.write("--");document.write(">"); //--></script> <!--STATS4ALL_END--> <br><br> <!-- BEGIN WEBSIDESTORY CODE --> <!-- COPYRIGHT 1997-2001 WEBSIDESTORY, INC. 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Pitäiskö se tästä löytyä?
Ei tuosta ota hullukaan selvää...ehkä skripti luo salasanan joistain osasista ja sitä ei näe suoraan skriptiä katsomalla.
Ehkä.. No kokeilkaa kummiskin vaikka jossain html editorissa.
Siis mistä tuo on otettu? :P
Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.