3D Motor About DirectX 7.0
3D moottori helppo toteuttaa käskyja sun muita
voi tehdä omia hahmoja sun muita tossa alhaalla vähän lisää. (hahmot tehdään 3Dstudio:lla)
Sivuilta saa ladattua hahmoja ja Moottorin Zipattuna ja paljon Helppiä.
lisätietoa: http://koti.mbnet.fi/petrinm/Project/3Dmotor.html
Käyttöön otto:
Tallenna projekti ja tee kolme Bittimappiäjoiden nimet ovat nimeltään
-Sky(taivaan tekstuuri ja kokoa noin 250x250 )
-Wall(seinä Tekstuuri ja kokoa noin 140x110 )
-Floor(lattia tekstuuri ja kokoa noin 64x64 )
Dim DX As New clsD3DKernel Dim I As String Private Sub Form_Click() 'sammuu Sammutus End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 'kameran liikkeet(x,y,z) Dim CPos As D3DVECTOR CPos = DX.Camera([Get Position]) With DX Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyLeft 'left .CameraOrientation [Goto Left] Case vbKeyRight 'right .CameraOrientation [Goto Right] Case vbKeyUp 'Up .Camera [Set Position], CPos.X, CPos.y, CPos.Z + 2 Case vbKeyDown 'down .Camera [Set Position], CPos.X, CPos.y, CPos.Z - 2 Case vbKeyEscape 'Esc Sammutus End Select End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Show I = App.Path & "\" '1024 = resoluutio width '768 = resoluutio height '32 = värien määrä esim:(32) 'vbWhite = PN teksti(tekstin väri) 'vbBlack = Taustaväri (ilman tausta kuvaa) DX.Kuva Me.hWnd, 1024, 768, 32, vbWhite, vbBlack, [Hardware Render] 'Lamppu "Valoa pimeään" DX.Val 'Taustakuva jee! DX.Tausta I & "Sky.bmp" 'Lattiat seinät ja muut DX.Lattia 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, I & "floor.BMP", 7, 7 DX.Seinä W_Taka, 100, 25, 0, 0, 100, I & "wall.bmp", 7, 2 DX.Seinä W_Vasen, 100, 25, 0, 0, 0, I & "wall.bmp", 7, 2 'valo DX.Valo 100, 10, 240, 1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 'laitetaan lehmä tai muita hemmoja esim: autoja 'DX.XFil I & "cow.x", 2, 20, 8, 20 'kamera(x 50 - y 10 - z 50) DX.Camera [Set Position], 50, 10, 50 'käy tarkistamaassa fontit DX.Fontti SetupFont() 'teksti yläkulmassa DX.Teksti "Petrinm", 0, 0 'piilottaa hiiren pelin ajaksi DX.Hiiri False DX.Luk End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'sammutetaan Sammutus End Sub Public Sub Sammutus() 'hiiri näkyviin DX.Hiiri True DX.StopRender DX.Terminate Set DX = Nothing End End Sub 'tekstin asetukset "P.N" Public Function SetupFont() As StdFont Dim Fa As New StdFont Fa.Bold = True Fa.Italic = True Fa.Name = "Times New Roman" Fa.Size = 30 Set SetupFont = Fa Set Fa = Nothing End Function
Class Module
Private DX_Main As New DirectX7 Private DD_Main As DirectDraw4 Private D3D_Main As Direct3DRM3 Private DS_Front As DirectDrawSurface4 Private DS_Back As DirectDrawSurface4 Private SD_Front As DDSURFACEDESC2 Private DD_Back As DDSCAPS2 Private D3D_Device As Direct3DRMDevice3 Private D3D_ViewPort As Direct3DRMViewport2 Private FR_Root As Direct3DRMFrame3 Private FR_Camera As Direct3DRMFrame3 Private LT_Ambient As Direct3DRMLight Private FR_Building As Direct3DRMFrame3 Private ESC As Boolean Private Init As Boolean Private mHWND As Long Private zText As String Private zX As Long Private zY As Long Private Const Sin5 = 8.715574E-02! Private Const Cos5 = 0.9961947! Public Enum enumAccelerationType [Hardware Render] [Software Render] End Enum Public Enum enumCameraAction [Get Position] [Set Position] End Enum Public Enum enumWallFace W_Etu W_Taka W_Vasen W_Oikea End Enum Public Enum enumOrientationType [Goto Left] [Goto Right] End Enum Private Declare Function ShowCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long Public Function Lattia(X_Size As Single, Y_Size As Single, X As Single, y As Single, Z As Single, Texture As String, X_Tile As Integer, Y_Tile As Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function Dim FloorFace As Direct3DRMFace2 Dim FloorTexture As Direct3DRMTexture3 Dim MS_Floor As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3 Set MS_Floor = D3D_Main.CreateMeshBuilder() Set FloorTexture = D3D_Main.LoadTexture(Texture) Set FloorFace = D3D_Main.CreateFace FloorFace.AddVertex X, y, Z: FloorFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + Y_Size: FloorFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z + Y_Size: FloorFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z MS_Floor.AddFace FloorFace MS_Floor.SetTextureCoordinates 0, 0, Y_Tile MS_Floor.SetTextureCoordinates 1, 0, 0 MS_Floor.SetTextureCoordinates 2, X_Tile, 0 MS_Floor.SetTextureCoordinates 3, X_Tile, Y_Tile MS_Floor.SetPerspective 1 Set FloorFace = MS_Floor.GetFace(0) FloorFace.SetTexture FloorTexture FR_Building.AddVisual MS_Floor Lattia = True Exit Function ER: Lattia = False End Function Public Function Valo(X As Single, y As Single, Z As Single, LType As CONST_D3DRMLIGHTTYPE, vred As Single, vgreen As Single, vblue As Single) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function Dim FR_NewLight As Direct3DRMFrame3 Dim LT_Light As Direct3DRMLight Set FR_NewLight = D3D_Main.CreateFrame(FR_Root) Set LT_Light = D3D_Main.CreateLightRGB(LType, vred, vgreen, vblue) FR_NewLight.SetPosition Nothing, X, y, Z FR_NewLight.AddLight LT_Light Valo = True Exit Function ER: Valo = False End Function Public Function XFil(XFile As String, MeshScale As Single, X As Single, y As Single, Z As Single) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function Dim FR_Mesh As Direct3DRMFrame3 Dim MS_Mesh As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3 Set FR_Mesh = D3D_Main.CreateFrame(FR_Root) Set MS_Mesh = D3D_Main.CreateMeshBuilder() 'jos virhe löytyy tästä x tiedostoa ei ole MS_Mesh.LoadFromFile XFile, 0, 0, Nothing, Nothing MS_Mesh.ScaleMesh MeshScale, MeshScale, MeshScale FR_Mesh.SetPosition Nothing, X, y, Z FR_Mesh.AddVisual MS_Mesh XFil = True Exit Function ER: XFil = False End Function Public Function Katto(X_Size As Single, Y_Size As Single, X As Single, y As Single, Z As Single, Texture As String, X_Tile As Integer, Y_Tile As Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function Dim RoofFace As Direct3DRMFace2 Dim RoofTexture As Direct3DRMTexture3 Dim MS_Roof As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3 Set MS_Roof = D3D_Main.CreateMeshBuilder() Set RoofTexture = D3D_Main.LoadTexture(Texture) Set RoofFace = D3D_Main.CreateFace RoofFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z: RoofFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z + Y_Size: RoofFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + Y_Size: RoofFace.AddVertex X, y, Z MS_Roof.AddFace RoofFace MS_Roof.SetTextureCoordinates 0, 0, Y_Tile MS_Roof.SetTextureCoordinates 1, 0, 0 MS_Roof.SetTextureCoordinates 2, X_Tile, 0 MS_Roof.SetTextureCoordinates 3, X_Tile, Y_Tile MS_Roof.SetPerspective 1 Set RoofFace = MS_Roof.GetFace(0) RoofFace.SetTexture RoofTexture FR_Building.AddVisual MS_Roof Katto = True Exit Function ER: Katto = False End Function Public Function Seinä(WallType As enumWallFace, X_Size As Single, Y_Size As Single, X As Single, y As Single, Z As Single, Texture As String, X_Tile As Integer, Y_Tile As Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function Dim WallFace As Direct3DRMFace2 Dim WallTexture As Direct3DRMTexture3 Dim MS_Wall As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3 Set MS_Wall = D3D_Main.CreateMeshBuilder() Set WallTexture = D3D_Main.LoadTexture(Texture) Set WallFace = D3D_Main.CreateFace If WallType = W_Etu Then WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z ElseIf WallType = W_Taka Then WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X + X_Size, y, Z ElseIf WallType = W_Vasen Then WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + X_Size WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z ElseIf WallType = W_Oikea Then WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z: WallFace.AddVertex X, y + Y_Size, Z + X_Size: WallFace.AddVertex X, y, Z + X_Size Else Exit Function End If MS_Wall.AddFace WallFace MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 0, 0, Y_Tile MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 1, 0, 0 MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 2, X_Tile, 0 MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 3, X_Tile, Y_Tile MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 4, X_Tile, Y_Tile MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 5, X_Tile, 0 MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 6, 0, 0 MS_Wall.SetTextureCoordinates 7, 0, Y_Tile MS_Wall.SetPerspective 1 Set WallFace = MS_Wall.GetFace(0) WallFace.SetTexture WallTexture FR_Building.AddVisual MS_Wall Seinä = True Exit Function ER: Seinä = False End Function Public Function Kuva(lHWND As Long, lScreenWidth As Long, lScreenHeight As Long, lScreenDepth As Long, lForeColor As Long, lBackColor As Long, RenderType As enumAccelerationType, Optional lDrawDistance As Long = -1) As Boolean On Error GoTo InitError mHWND = lHWND Set DD_Main = DX_Main.DirectDraw4Create("") DD_Main.SetCooperativeLevel mHWND, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN Or DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE DD_Main.SetDisplayMode lScreenWidth, lScreenHeight, lScreenDepth, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT SD_Front.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT SD_Front.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE Or DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE Or DDSCAPS_COMPLEX Or DDSCAPS_FLIP SD_Front.lBackBufferCount = 1 Set DS_Front = DD_Main.CreateSurface(SD_Front) DD_Back.lCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER Set DS_Back = DS_Front.GetAttachedSurface(DD_Back) DS_Back.SetForeColor lForeColor Set D3D_Main = DX_Main.Direct3DRMCreate() If RenderType = [Hardware Render] Then Set D3D_Device = D3D_Main.CreateDeviceFromSurface("IID_IDirect3DHALDevice", DD_Main, DS_Back, D3DRMDEVICE_DEFAULT) ElseIf RenderType = [Software Render] Then Set D3D_Device = D3D_Main.CreateDeviceFromSurface("IID_IDirect3DRGBDevice", DD_Main, DS_Back, D3DRMDEVICE_DEFAULT) End If D3D_Device.SetBufferCount 2 D3D_Device.SetQuality D3DRMRENDER_GOURAUD Or D3DRMLIGHT_ON Or D3DRMSHADE_GOURAUD D3D_Device.SetTextureQuality D3DRMTEXTURE_LINEAR Or D3DRMTEXTURE_NEAREST D3D_Device.SetRenderMode D3DRMRENDERMODE_BLENDEDTRANSPARENCY Set FR_Root = D3D_Main.CreateFrame(Nothing) Set FR_Camera = D3D_Main.CreateFrame(FR_Root) Set FR_Building = D3D_Main.CreateFrame(FR_Root) FR_Root.SetSceneBackground lBackColor Set D3D_ViewPort = D3D_Main.CreateViewport(D3D_Device, FR_Camera, 0, 0, lScreenWidth, lScreenHeight) If lDrawDistance = -1 Then D3D_ViewPort.SetBack lScreenWidth Else D3D_ViewPort.SetBack lDrawDistance End If Camera [Set Position], 0, 0, 0 zText = "" zX = 0 zY = 0 Init = True Kuva = True Exit Function InitError: Init = False Kuva = False End Function Public Function Terminate() On Error Resume Next If Init = False Then Exit Function DD_Main.RestoreDisplayMode DD_Main.SetCooperativeLevel mHWND, DDSCL_NORMAL Set DX_Main = Nothing Set DD_Main = Nothing Set D3D_Main = Nothing Set DS_Front = Nothing Set DS_Back = Nothing Set D3D_Device = Nothing Set D3D_ViewPort = Nothing Set FR_Root = Nothing Set FR_Camera = Nothing Set LT_Ambient = Nothing zText = "" zX = 0 zY = 0 Init = False End Function Public Function Val(Optional sRed As Single = 0.45, Optional sGreen As Single = 0.45, Optional sBlue As Single = 0.45) If Init = False Then Exit Function Set LT_Ambient = D3D_Main.CreateLightRGB(D3DRMLIGHT_AMBIENT, sRed, sGreen, sBlue) 'FR_Root '.Valo FR_Root.AddLight LT_Ambient End Function Public Function Tausta(FileName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function FR_Root.SetSceneBackgroundImage MakeTexture(FileName) Tausta = True Exit Function ER: Tausta = False End Function Private Function MakeTexture(FileName As String) As Direct3DRMTexture3 On Error Resume Next Set MakeTexture = D3D_Main.LoadTexture(FileName) End Function Public Function Camera(ActionToDo As enumCameraAction, Optional aX As Single, Optional aY As Single, Optional aZ As Single) As D3DVECTOR On Error Resume Next If Init = False Then Exit Function If ActionToDo = [Get Position] Then FR_Camera.GetPosition FR_Camera, Camera ElseIf ActionToDo = [Set Position] Then FR_Camera.SetPosition FR_Camera, aX, aY, aZ End If End Function Public Function Luk() On Error GoTo ER: Do Until ESC = True DoEvents D3D_ViewPort.Clear D3DRMCLEAR_TARGET Or D3DRMCLEAR_ZBUFFER D3D_Device.Update D3D_ViewPort.Render FR_Root DS_Back.DrawText zX, zY, zText, False DS_Front.Flip Nothing, DDFLIP_WAIT DoEvents Loop ER: ESC = False End Function Public Function StopRender() If Init = False Then Exit Function ESC = True End Function Public Function CameraOrientation(Orien As enumOrientationType) As Boolean If Init = False Then Exit Function On Error GoTo ER: If Orien = [Goto Left] Then FR_Camera.SetOrientation FR_Camera, -Sin5, 0, Cos5, 0, 1, 0 ElseIf Orien = [Goto Right] Then FR_Camera.SetOrientation FR_Camera, Sin5, 0, Cos5, 0, 1, 0 End If CameraOrientation = True Exit Function ER: CameraOrientation = False End Function Public Function Teksti(sText As String, aX As Long, aY As Long) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function zText = sText zX = aX zY = aY Teksti = True Exit Function ER: Teksti = False End Function Public Function Fontti(newFont As StdFont) As Boolean On Error GoTo ER: If Init = False Then Exit Function DS_Back.SetFont newFont Fontti = True Exit Function ER: Fontti = False End Function Public Function Hiiri(bShow As Boolean) ShowCursor bShow End Function
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