Termos !
Pitäisi saada serveriltä ladattua tietyn kansion koko sisältö...
Kuinkahan tälläinen homma onnistuisi ?
Saan kyllä "listattua" kansion sisällön ja ladattuakin kaikilla (textbox, next) hässäköillä, mutta onko tähän olemassa jotain helpompaa ratkaisua?
No tossa on kumminki koodi jolla irtoo serveriltä tietyn kansion kisältö.
Dim kansio As FtpWebRequest = FtpWebRequest.Create("ftp://Minunservu/Kansio") kansio.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("Käyttäjänimi", "Salasana") kansio.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory Dim sr As New StreamReader(kansio.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim tiedosto As String = sr.ReadLine() While Not tiedosto Is Nothing ListBox1.Items.Add(tiedosto) tiedosto = sr.ReadLine() End While sr.Close() sr = Nothing kansio = Nothing End Sub
Sitte ois vielä kiva saada jonkinlainen info tiedostojen siirrosta esim. Brogressbar.
- Happy -
Moikka taas Happy!
vääntelemällä oheista esimerkkiä saat ehkä aikaan mieleisesi virityksen...
' (väännetty SharpDevelop 4.0:lla) 'Lomakkeelle: '3 TextBoxia (textBox1, textBox2, textBox3) '2 ListBoxia (ListBox1, ListBox2) '2 Nappia (button1, button2), '1 Labelli (Label1) sekä CheckBoxi (checkBox1) Imports System.IO Imports System.Net Imports System.Text Public Partial Class MainForm Private MyFtpRequest As FtpWebRequest = Nothing Private server As String = String.Empty Private user As String = String.Empty Private pass As String = String.Empty Private MyFolder As String = String.Empty Private Details As List(Of String) = Nothing Public Sub New() Me.InitializeComponent() End Sub Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) textBox3.PasswordChar = CType("*", Char) 'testamiseen _________________________ textBox1.Text = "ftp_palvelimesi.fi": textBox2.Text = "tunnuksesi" textBox3.Text = "salasanasi" '_____________________________________ textBox1.ReadOnly = True textBox2.ReadOnly = True textBox3.ReadOnly = True ListBox1.Enabled = False ListBox2.SelectionMode = _ SelectionMode.MultiSimple ListBox2.Enabled = False button2.Enabled = False checkBox1.Visible = False checkBox1.Enabled = False MyFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath( _ Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) MyFolder += "\ftp_downloads" Try MkDir(MyFolder) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) For i As Integer = 1 To 3 Dim txtbox As TextBox = _ CType(Me.Controls("textBox" & CStr(i)), TextBox) If txtbox.Text.Trim = String.Empty Then txtbox.Focus: Exit Sub End If txtbox = Nothing Next server = "ftp://" + textBox1.Text + "/" textBox1.ReadOnly = True user = textBox2.Text: textBox2.ReadOnly = True pass = textBox3.Text: textBox3.ReadOnly = True MyFtpRequest = CType(WebRequest. _ Create(server), FtpWebRequest) MyFtpRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(user, pass) MyFtpRequest.KeepAlive = False MyFtpRequest.UseBinary = True MyFtpRequest.Method = _ WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory Dim MyReader As New StreamReader( _ MyFtpRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim MyItem As String = MyReader.ReadLine() ListBox1.Enabled = True ListBox1.Items.Clear ListBox1.Items.Add("") CheckBox1.Text = "Select All" checkBox1.Checked = False checkBox1.Visible = False checkBox1.Enabled = False While Not MyItem Is Nothing If MyItem.IndexOf(".") < 0 Then ListBox1.Items.Add(MyItem) End if MyItem = MyReader.ReadLine() End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 MyFtpRequest = Nothing End Sub Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged( _ sender As Object, e As EventArgs) ListBox2.Items.Clear checkBox1.Visible = False checkBox1.Enabled = False CheckBox1.Text = "Select All" Details = Nothing If ListBox1.SelectedIndex > 0 Then Dim folder As String = _ ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString MyFtpRequest = CType(WebRequest. _ Create(server + folder), FtpWebRequest) MyFtpRequest.Credentials = _ New NetworkCredential(user, pass) MyFtpRequest.KeepAlive = False MyFtpRequest.UseBinary = True MyFtpRequest.Method = _ WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory Dim MyReader As New StreamReader( _ MyFtpRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim MyItem As String = MyReader.ReadLine() ListBox2.Enabled = True ListBox2.Items.Clear While Not MyItem Is Nothing If MyItem.IndexOf(".") > -1 And Not MyItem.StartsWith(".") Then ListBox2.Items.Add(MyItem) End if MyItem = MyReader.ReadLine() End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose MyFtpRequest = Nothing If listBox2.Items.Count > 0 Then GetDetails(folder) checkBox1.Visible = True checkBox1.Enabled = True CheckBox1.Text = "Select All" End If End If End Sub Sub ListBox2_SelectedIndexChanged( _ ender As Object, e As EventArgs) If listBox2.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then button2.Enabled = True Else button2.Enabled = False End If End Sub Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) button1.Enabled = False button2.Enabled = False checkBox1.Enabled = False listBox1.Enabled = False listBox2.Enabled = False Dim files As New List(Of String) For Each Item In listBox2.SelectedItems files.Add(Item.ToString) Next If files.Count > 0 Then Dim RemoteBasePath As String = server + _ listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString + "/" Dim RemoteFullPath As String = String.Empty Dim LocafullPath As String = String.Empty For i As Integer = 0 To files.Count -1 Dim remoteSize As Long For j As Integer = 0 To Details.Count -1 If Details(j).IndexOf(files(i)) > -1 Then Dim pos As Integer = Details(j).IndexOf("www") + 3 Dim hlpStr As String = _ Details(j).Substring(pos, Details(j).Length - pos) hlpStr = hlpStr.Trim Dim parts() As String = hlpStr.Split(CType(" ",Char)) remoteSize = CLng(parts(0).Trim) parts = Nothing End If Next j RemoteFullPath = RemoteBasePath + files.Item(i) LocafullPath = MyFolder + "\" + files.Item(i) MyFtpRequest = CType(WebRequest. _ Create(RemoteFullPath), FtpWebRequest) MyFtpRequest.Credentials = _ New NetworkCredential(user, pass) MyFtpRequest.KeepAlive = False MyFtpRequest.UseBinary = True MyFtpRequest.Method = _ WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile Using FtpResponse As FtpWebResponse = _ CType(MyFtpRequest.GetResponse, FtpWebResponse) Using ResponseStream As Stream = _ FtpResponse.GetResponseStream Using fStream As New FileStream( _ LocafullPath, FileMode.Create) Dim buffer(2047) As Byte Dim read As Integer = 0 Do: Application.DoEvents read = ResponseStream.Read( _ buffer, 0, buffer.Length) fStream.Write(buffer, 0, read) Dim bInfo As New FileInfo(LocafullPath) Label1.Text = "Loading: " + files(i) + _ " " + Cint((Clng(bInfo.Length) * 100) / _ remoteSize).ToString + "%" bInfo = Nothing Loop Until read = 0 For j As Integer = 0 To listBox2.Items.Count -1 If listBox2.Items(j) = files.Item(i) Then listBox2.SetSelected(j, False) End If Next j ResponseStream.Close() fStream.Flush: fStream.Close fStream.Dispose: buffer = Nothing End Using ResponseStream.Close() End Using End Using MyFtpRequest = Nothing Next i End If files = Nothing label1.Text = String.Empty button1.Enabled = True button2.Enabled = True checkBox1.Enabled = True listBox1.Enabled = True listBox2.Enabled = True checkBox1.Checked = False End Sub Sub GetDetails(folder As String) Details = New List(Of String) MyFtpRequest = CType(WebRequest. _ Create(server + folder), FtpWebRequest) MyFtpRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(user, pass) MyFtpRequest.KeepAlive = False MyFtpRequest.UseBinary = True MyFtpRequest.Method = _ WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails Dim MyReader As New StreamReader( _ MyFtpRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim MyItem As String = MyReader.ReadLine() While Not MyItem Is Nothing If MyItem.IndexOf(".") > -1 And Not MyItem.StartsWith(".") Then Details.Add(MyItem) End if MyItem = MyReader.ReadLine() End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose MyFtpRequest = Nothing End Sub Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If CheckBox1.Checked Then For i As Integer = 0 To listBox2.Items.Count -1 listBox2.SetSelected(i,True) CheckBox1.Text = "Deselect All" Next Else For i As Integer = 0 To listBox2.Items.Count -1 listBox2.SetSelected(i, False) CheckBox1.Text = "Select All" Next End If End Sub End Class
Tein nyt sitten tälläsen virityksen...
Ensin siis ladataan serveriltä Scorelist.txt tiedosto joka sisältää
ladattavien tiedostojen nimet ja sitte tiedostot ladataa... :)
Imports System.Net Public Class Form1 Private WithEvents top1 As WebClient Private Const filenames As String = "C:\ScoreList.txt" Private Const url As String = "http://Minunservu/Scores/" Private Const savepath As String = "C:\Scores\" Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load top1 = New WebClient Dim sourceURL1 = "http://Minunservu/ScoreList.txt" Dim filedir1 = ("C:\ScoreList.txt") Try top1.DownloadFileAsync(New Uri(sourceURL1), (filedir1), True) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Failed " + ErrorToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical) End Try End Sub Private Sub top1_DownloadFileCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs) Handles top1.DownloadFileCompleted Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(filenames) Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine() Dim req As Net.WebRequest Dim resp As IO.Stream Dim out As IO.BinaryWriter Do While line IsNot Nothing req = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url & line) resp = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream() out = New IO.BinaryWriter(New IO.FileStream(savepath & line, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) Dim buf(4096) As Byte Dim k As Int32 = resp.Read(buf, 0, 4096) Do While k > 0 out.Write(buf, 0, k) k = resp.Read(buf, 0, 4096) ProgressBar1.Value += 1 Loop resp.Close() out.Close() line = sr.ReadLine() Loop ProgressBar1.Value = 100 ProgressBar1.Visible = False End Sub End Class
Toimiva paketti mutta, kuinkahan ton itse tiedostojen latauksen saa
Backgroundworkerin hommix ? Kestää toi tiedostojen lataus aikas kauan ja
koko ohjelma "jäätyy" siksi aikaa kun se lataa noita tiedostija"
- Happy -
Laita while loopin sisälle application.doevents()
Kiitti groovyb!!!! :D
Eipä enää ohjelma "jäädy"
- Happy -
Voit myös käyttää säikeitä (threads) monen asian samanaikaiseen suoritukseen.
Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.