


Keskustelu: Ohjelmointikysymykset: VB.NET 2010 Listbox - Sort

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Happy [25.01.2011 18:24:41]



Eli olis sellanen ongelma, että pitäis saada Listboxissa olevat numerot
Ja niiden numeroiden määrää ei tiedetä. (Highscore taulukko.)

Elikkä jos Listboxissa on esim. numerot: 1, 23, 3, 17, 80.

Listaus on seuraava:


eli listaa ensimmäisen numeron mukaan.
vaikka pitäis olla:


Listboxissa on kyllä "Sorted" ominaisuus mutta... ei niin ei.

Hennkka [25.01.2011 19:09:29]


Toivottavasti tämä auttaa:)

'Listaan on helppo lisätä; Integer, jotta järjestyy oikein
Dim tmp As New List(Of Integer)
'Lisätään tmp:hen
For i = 0 To Score.Items.Count - 1
'Vaihdetaan järjetettyyn
Score.DataSource = tmp

neau33 [25.01.2011 20:06:43]


Moikka Happy!

esim. näin...

Public Partial Class MainForm

   Private HighScore As New List(Of Integer)

   Public Sub New()
   End Sub

   Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

      Dim values() As String = Split("1, 23, 3, 17, 80", ",")
      For i = 0 To values.Length -1
         HighScore.Add(CType(values(i), Integer))

      SortByValues(HighScore, listBox1)

   End Sub

   Public Sub SortByValues( _
   lst As List(Of Integer), lstBox As ListBox)

      lstBox.Sorted = False
      lstBox.DataSource = lst

   End Sub

End Class

Happy [25.01.2011 20:21:47]



kyllä on helppoa ku sen osaa - HENNKKA.
KIITOKSIA VAAN PALJON!!!, oon takunnu tän kanssa jo viikon :(

Kiitti kans Nea:lle mut tolla Hennkan koodilla pääs vähän helpomalla.

Tossa vielä toi mun "viritys"

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ' luetaan .txt tiedostosta pistelista
        Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("C:\Scores.txt")
            While (sr.Peek() > -1)
            End While
        End Using
        Dim tmp As New List(Of Integer)
        'Lisätään tmp:hen
        For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
        'Vaihdetaan järjetettyyn
        ListBox1.DataSource = tmp
    End Sub

End Class

Kiitti vielä kerran.


neau33 [26.01.2011 00:05:31]


Heippa taas!

tässä vielä yhdenlainen viritelmä...

Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

   FileOpen(1, "C:\Scores.txt", OpenMode.Input)
   Dim values() As Integer = _
   Array.ConvertAll(Split(InputString(1, _
   CType(LOF(1), Integer)), Environment.NewLine), _
   New Converter(Of String, Integer) _
   (AddressOf ConvertStringToInt))
   SortByValues(listBox1, values)
   values = Nothing

End Sub

Sub SortByValues(lstBox As ListBox, lst() As Integer)

   Dim temp As New List(Of Integer)
   temp.Sort: lstbox.Sorted = False
   lstbox.DataSource = temp
   temp = Nothing

End Sub

Public Shared Function ConvertStringToInt( _
ByVal str As String) As Integer
   Return CInt(str)
End Function

Happy [26.01.2011 15:34:17]


Terve taas.

Tuli tossa mieleen että pelkkien pisteiden sorttaus
on vähän niiku turhaa jos ei tiedetä kenenkä pisteistä on kyse.

eli tarttis varmaan tehdä joku multidimensional array juttu,
mutta ListBox ei vissiinkään pysty käsittelemään sellasia, Vai???
ListBoxissa on kyllä MultiColumn ominaisuus,
mut ei oo hajuakaan kuinka moinen toimii..

eli texti filu ois vähän niinu tällänen...

Kalle 2345
Sami 8573
Jukka 7372
Pasi 3237
Kia 4739

Pitäs siis saada haettua "pisteiden perusteella" kuka johtaa pisteissä,
ja vielä sitte "nimen perusteella" pisteensä..

Onnistuuko tällänen vai pitääkö siirtyä johonkin DataGrid hässäkkään.

- Happy _ ???

neau33 [26.01.2011 18:14:51]


Heippa taas!

tässä vielä toisenlainen viritelmä...

Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

   FileOpen(1, "C:\Scores2.txt", OpenMode.Input)
   Dim strLines() As string = _
   Split(InputString(1, _
   CType(LOF(1), Integer)),Environment.NewLine)

   Redim Preserve HighScore(strLines.length -1)
   Dim temp(strLines.length -1) As integer

   For i As integer = 0 To strLines.Length - 1
   	Dim helpArray() As string = Split(strLines(i), " ")
   	HighScore(i).name = helpArray(0)
   	HighScore(i).score = CType(helpArray(1), Integer)
   	temp(i) = CType(helpArray(1), Integer)
   	helpArray = Nothing

   strLines = Nothing

   Dim lstInt As New List(Of Integer)
   temp = Nothing: lstInt.Sort
   listBox1.Sorted = False

   For i As integer = lstInt.count -1 To 0 Step -1
   	For j As Integer = 0 To HighScore.Length - 1
      If lstInt.Item(i) = HighScore(j).Score Then
      	listBox1.Items.Add( HighScore(j).name _
      	& " " & Ctype(HighScore(j).score, String))

      End If
   	Next j
   Next i

   lstInt = Nothing

End Sub

neau33 [26.01.2011 20:25:21]


Heippa taas!

mikäli listboxiin halutaan 'sarakejako' niin...

Private Structure ScoreStruct
   Dim name As String
   Dim value As Integer
End Structure

Dim Scores() As ScoreStruct

Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

   FileOpen(1, "C:\Scores.txt", OpenMode.Input)
   Dim strLines() As string = _
   Split(InputString(1, _
   CType(LOF(1), Integer)), Environment.NewLine)

   Redim Scores(strLines.length - 1)
   Dim temp(strLines.length - 1) As integer
   Dim slen As Integer

   For i As integer = 0 To strLines.Length - 1

      Dim helpArray() As string = Split(strLines(i), " ")
      Scores(i).name = helpArray(0)

      If slen < (helpArray(0).Length + _
      helpArray(1).ToString.Length) Then
         slen = helpArray(0).Length + _
      End If

      Scores(i).value = CType(helpArray(1), Integer)
      temp(i) = CType(helpArray(1), Integer)
      helpArray = Nothing


   strLines = Nothing

   Dim lstInt As New List(Of Integer)
   temp = Nothing: lstInt.Sort
   listBox1.Font = New Font("Courier New", 8.25!, _
   FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0,Byte))
   listBox1.Sorted = False

   For i As integer = lstInt.count -1 To 0 Step -1

      For j As Integer = 0 To Scores.Length - 1

         If lstInt.Item(i) = Scores(j).value Then
      	    Dim thespace As String = "  "
      	    If slen > (Scores(j).name.Length _
      	       + Scores(j).value.ToString.Length) Then
               Dim thelen As Integer = _
               slen - (Scores(j).name.Length _
               + Scores(j).value.ToString.Length)
               thespace += New String(CType(" ", Char), thelen)
      	    End If
      	    listBox1.Items.Add(Scores(j).name _
      	    & thespace & Ctype(Scores(j).value, String))
         End If

      Next j

   Next i

   lstInt = Nothing

End Sub

Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

   Dim sarray() As String = _
   Split(ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString, " ")

   MsgBox(CStr(listBox1.SelectedIndex + 1) & _
   ". sija: " & sarray(0) & "  -  pisteet: " &  _
   sarray = Nothing

End Sub

Happy [26.01.2011 21:43:27]


Kiitti Nea.

Nyt toimii niinku pitääkin.

For i As Integer = lstInt.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1

           For j As Integer = 0 To Scores.Length - 1

               If lstInt.Item(i) = Scores(j).score Then
                   Dim thespace As String = "  "
                   If slen > (Scores(j).name.Length _
                      + Scores(j).score.ToString.Length) Then
                       Dim thelen As Integer = _
                       slen - (Scores(j).name.Length _
                       + Scores(j).score.ToString.Length)
                       thespace += New String(CType(" ", Char), thelen)
                   End If
                   ListBox1.Items.Add(Scores(j).name _
                   & thespace & CType(Scores(j).score, String))
               End If

           Next j

       Next i

Tohon kohtaan piti vaan vaihtaa...

For i As Integer = lstInt.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1

           For j As Integer = 0 To Scores.Length - 1

               If lstInt.Item(i) = Scores(j).value Then
                   Dim thespace As String = "  "
                   If slen > (Scores(j).name.Length _
                      + Scores(j).value.ToString.Length) Then
                       Dim thelen As Integer = _
                       slen - (Scores(j).name.Length _
                       + Scores(j).value.ToString.Length)
                       thespace += New String(CType(" ", Char), thelen)
                   End If
                   ListBox1.Items.Add(Scores(j).name _
                   & thespace & CType(Scores(j).value, String))
               End If

           Next j

       Next i

Kiitoksia taas kerran..

- Happy -

Edit. Ois pitäny lukea uudemman kerran noi koodit,
Nea olikin jo kerinny vaihtamaan .score homman tohon .value jutskaa...

neau33 [27.01.2011 05:31:40]


Heippa taas!

tässä vielä kolmannenlainen highscore viritelmä...

Public Partial Class MainForm

   Private Structure ScoreStruct
      Dim name As String
      Dim value As Integer
   End Structure

   Private HighScore(9) As ScoreStruct 'Top Ten

   Private ScoreChaned As Boolean = False
   Private fullPath As String = String.Empty
   Private PlayerName As String = String.Empty

   Public Sub New()


   End Sub

   Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

      fullPath = Application.StartupPath  + "\HighScore.dat"

      If Dir(fullPath) <> String.Empty Then


         PlayerName = InputBox("Player Name:")

         If PlayerName = String.Empty Then
            GoTo jmpBack
         ElseIf IsNumeric(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1)) Then

            MsgBox("Nimen pitää alkaa kirjaimella")
            PlayerName = String.Empty: GoTo jmpBack
         End If

         PlayerName = PlayerName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper _
         + PlayerName.Substring(1, PlayerName.Length - 1)

         FileOpen(1, fullPath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
         FileGet(1, HighScore): FileClose(1)

      End If

   End Sub

   Sub MainForm_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs)

      If ScoreChaned Then
         If Dir(fullPath) <> String.Empty Then
         End If
         FileOpen(1,fullPath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write)
         FilePut(1, HighScore): FileClose(1)
      End If

   End Sub

   Sub CheckHighScore(ByVal result As Integer)

      Dim NewScore As Boolean = False
      Dim NewScoreIndex As Integer

      For i As Integer = 0 To HighScore.Length  - 1
         If HighScore(i).value < result Then
            NewScore = True
            NewScoreIndex = i
            Exit For
         End If

      If NewScore Then

         For i As Integer = HighScore.Length - 2 To NewScoreIndex Step - 1
            HighScore(i + 1).name = HighScore(i).name
            HighScore(i + 1).value = HighScore(i).value

         HighScore(NewScoreIndex).name = PlayerName
         HighScore(NewScoreIndex).value = result

         ScoreChaned = True

      End If

   End Sub

   Sub FillListBox(lstBox As ListBox)

      lstBox.Font = New Font( _
      "Courier New", 8.25!, _
      FontStyle.Regular, _
      GraphicsUnit.Point, _

      lstBox.Sorted = False
      Dim strLen As Integer

      For i As Integer = 0 To HighScore.Length - 1
         If strLen < (HighScore(i).name.Length + _
            HighScore(i).value.ToString.Length) Then
               strLen = HighScore(i).name.Length + _
         End If

      For i As Integer = 0 To HighScore.Length - 1
         Dim theSpace As String = "  "
         If strLen > (HighScore(i).name.Length _
            + HighScore(i).value.ToString.Length) Then
            Dim theLen As Integer = _
            strLen - (HighScore(i).name.Length _
            + HighScore(i).value.ToString.Length)
            theSpace += New String(CType(" ", Char), theLen)
         End If
         lstBox.Items.Add(HighScore(i).name _
         & theSpace & HighScore(i).value)

   End Sub

   Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

      Dim value As Integer = CType((100 * Rnd(100) * 100), Integer)

   End Sub

End Class

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