Kuinka saadaan alla olevasta javascript-ohjelmasta poimittua myös viikonpäivä input kenttään, siis esim. 2010-09-05 Mon? Ohjelma on GPL sorsaa, eli vapaasti käytettävissä.
calendar = { month_names: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Augest", "September", "October", "November", "December"], weekdays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], month_days: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], //Get today's date - year, month, day and date today : new Date(), opt : {}, data: [], //Functions /// Used to create HTML in a optimized way. wrt:function(txt) {; }, getStyle: function(ele, property){ if (ele.currentStyle) { var alt_property_name = property.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(m,c) {return c.toUpperCase();}); //background-color becomes backgroundColor var value = ele.currentStyle[property] || ele.currentStyle[alt_property_name]; } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { property = property.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase(); //backgroundColor becomes background-color //var val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue(property); } //Some properties are special cases if(property == "opacity" && ele.filter) value = (parseFloat( ele.filter.match(/opacity\=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100); else if(property == "width" && isNaN(value)) value = ele.clientWidth || ele.offsetWidth; else if(property == "height" && isNaN(value)) value = ele.clientHeight || ele.offsetHeight; return value; }, getPosition:function(ele) { var x = 0; var y = 0; while (ele) { x += ele.offsetLeft; y += ele.offsetTop; ele = ele.offsetParent; } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1 && typeof document.body.leftMargin != "undefined") { x += document.body.leftMargin; offsetTop += document.body.topMargin; } var xy = new Array(x,y); return xy; }, /// Called when the user clicks on a date in the calendar. selectDate:function(year,month,day) { var ths = _calendar_active_instance; document.getElementById(ths.opt["input"]).value = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; // Date format is :HARDCODE: ths.hideCalendar(); }, /// Creates a calendar with the date given in the argument as the selected date. makeCalendar:function(year, month, day) { year = parseInt(year); month= parseInt(month); day = parseInt(day); //Display the table var next_month = month+1; var next_month_year = year; if(next_month>=12) { next_month = 0; next_month_year++; } var previous_month = month-1; var previous_month_year = year; if(previous_month< 0) { previous_month = 11; previous_month_year--; } this.wrt("<table>"); this.wrt("<tr><th><a href='javascript:calendar.makeCalendar(" + (previous_month_year) + "," + (previous_month) + ");' title='" + this.month_names[previous_month] + " " + (previous_month_year) + "'><</a></th>"); this.wrt("<th colspan='5' class='calendar-title'><select name='calendar-month' class='calendar-month' onChange='calendar.makeCalendar("+year+",this.value);'>"); for(var i in this.month_names) { this.wrt("<option value='"+i+"'"); if(i == month) this.wrt(" selected='selected'"); this.wrt(">"+this.month_names[i]+"</option>"); } this.wrt("</select>"); this.wrt("<select name='calendar-year' class='calendar-year' onChange='calendar.makeCalendar(this.value, " + month + ");'>"); var current_year =; if(current_year < 1900) current_year += 1900; for(var x=current_year-70; x<current_year+10; x++) { this.wrt("<option value='"+x+"'") if(x == year) this.wrt(" selected='selected'"); this.wrt(">"+x+"</option>"); } this.wrt("</select></th>"); this.wrt("<th><a href='javascript:calendar.makeCalendar(" + (next_month_year) + "," + (next_month) + ");' title='" + this.month_names[next_month] + " " + (next_month_year) + "'>></a></th></tr>"); this.wrt("<tr class='header'>"); for(var weekday=0; weekday<7; weekday++) this.wrt("<td>" + this.weekdays[weekday] + "</td>"); this.wrt("</tr>"); //Get the first day of this month var first_day = new Date(year,month,1); var start_day = first_day.getDay(); var d = 1; var flag = 0; //Leap year support if(year % 4 == 0) this.month_days[1] = 29; else this.month_days[1] = 28; var days_in_this_month = this.month_days[month]; //Create the calender for(var z=0;z<=5;z++) { if(w >= days_in_this_month) break; this.wrt("<tr>"); for(var j=0;j<7;j++) { if(d > days_in_this_month) flag=0; //If the days has overshooted the number of days in this month, stop writing else if(j >= start_day && !flag) flag=1;//If the first day of this month has come, start the date writing if(flag) { var w = d, mon = month+1; if(w < 10) w = "0" + w; if(mon < 10)mon = "0" + mon; //Is it today? var class_name = ''; var yea =; if(yea < 1900) yea += 1900; if(yea == year && == month && == d) class_name = " today"; if(day == d) class_name += " selected"; class_name += " " + this.weekdays[j].toLowerCase(); this.wrt("<td class='days"+class_name+"'><a href='javascript:calendar.selectDate(\"" + year + "\",\"" + mon + "\",\"" + w + "\")'>" + w + "</a></td>"); d++; } else { this.wrt("<td class='days'> </td>"); } } this.wrt("</tr>"); } this.wrt("</table>"); this.wrt("<input type='button' value='Cancel' class='calendar-cancel' onclick='calendar.hideCalendar();' />"); document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']).innerHTML =""); = []; }, /// Display the calendar - if a date exists in the input box, that will be selected in the calendar. showCalendar: function() { var input = document.getElementById(this.opt['input']); //Position the div in the correct location... var div = document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']); var xy = this.getPosition(input); var width = parseInt(this.getStyle(input,'width'));[0]+width+10)+"px";[1]+"px"; // Show the calendar with the date in the input as the selected date var existing_date = new Date(); var date_in_input = input.value; if(date_in_input) { var selected_date = false; var date_parts = date_in_input.split("-"); if(date_parts.length == 3) { date_parts[1]--; //Month starts with 0 selected_date = new Date(date_parts[0], date_parts[1], date_parts[2]); } if(selected_date && !isNaN(selected_date.getYear())) { //Valid date. existing_date = selected_date; } } var the_year = existing_date.getYear(); if(the_year < 1900) the_year += 1900; this.makeCalendar(the_year, existing_date.getMonth(), existing_date.getDate()); document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']).style.display = "block"; _calendar_active_instance = this; }, /// Hides the currently show calendar. hideCalendar: function(instance) { var active_calendar_id = ""; if(instance) active_calendar_id = instance.opt['calendar']; else active_calendar_id = _calendar_active_instance.opt['calendar']; if(active_calendar_id) document.getElementById(active_calendar_id).style.display = "none"; _calendar_active_instance = {}; }, /// Setup a text input box to be a calendar box. set: function(input_id) { var input = document.getElementById(input_id); if(!input) return; //If the input field is not there, exit. if(!this.opt['calendar']) this.init(); var ths = this; input.onclick=function(){ ths.opt['input'] =; ths.showCalendar(); }; }, /// Will be called once when the first input is set. init: function() { if(!this.opt['calendar'] || !document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar'])) { var div = document.createElement('div'); if(!this.opt['calendar']) this.opt['calendar'] = 'calender_div_'+ Math.round(Math.random() * 100); div.setAttribute('id',this.opt['calendar']); div.className="calendar-box"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].insertBefore(div, document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].firstChild); } } } <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script src="cal_picker.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="stylep.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function setdate(){ calendar.set("date"); } </script> <title>JSP Page</title> </head> <body> <form name='form' method='post' action="#"> <table> <tr> <td> päivä: <input type='text' size="10" value="klikkaa" onclick="setdate();" name="DATE" id="date" > <!-- TODO tähän kenttään myös viikonpäivä ????--> </td> </tr> </table> <input type='submit' /> </form> </body> </html>
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