Eli miten saan kyseessä olevan ohjelman kääntämään C:tä eikä C++:aa?
Sitten vielä että mitä tarvitsen jos asennan esim jonkun uuden kirjaston? Minne asennan sen, että ohjelma löytää .h tiedostot kun kirjoitan vaikka #include <allegro.h>
eikös se pidä tallentaa c tiedoston muodossa ensin? tai sitten kun aloitat rojektin niin sieltä sitten.
Ei. Siihen kääntäjälle pitää antaa joku parametri.. en muista mikä
Tietysti tuo joukun ehdottama tapakin toimii, mutta haluamasi switchi on "/TC compile all files as .c" tai "/Tc<source file> compile file as .c". Tässä "cl /?":
C/C++ COMPILER OPTIONS -CODE GENERATION- /G3 optimize for 80386 /Gy separate functions for linker /G4 optimize for 80486 /Ge force stack checking for all funcs /G5 optimize for Pentium /Gs[num] disable stack checking calls /G6 optimize for Pentium Pro /Gh enable hook function call /GB optimize for blended model (default) /GR[-] enable C++ RTTI /Gd __cdecl calling convention /GX[-] enable C++ EH (same as /EHsc) /Gr __fastcall calling convention /Gi[-] enable incremental compilation /Gz __stdcall calling convention /Gm[-] enable minimal rebuild /GA optimize for Windows Application /EHs enable synchronous C++ EH /GD optimize for Windows DLL /EHa enable asynchronous C++ EH /Gf enable string pooling /EHc extern "C" defaults to nothrow /GF enable read-only string pooling /QIfdiv[-] enable Pentium FDIV fix /GZ enable runtime debug checks /QI0f[-] enable Pentium 0x0f fix -OUTPUT FILES- /Fa[file] name assembly listing file /Fo<file> name object file /FA[sc] configure assembly listing /Fp<file> name precompiled header file /Fd[file] name .PDB file /Fr[file] name source browser file /Fe<file> name executable file /FR[file] name extended .SBR file /Fm[file] name map file -PREPROCESSOR- /C don't strip comments /FI<file> name forced include file /D<name>{=|#}<text> define macro /U<name> remove predefined macro /E preprocess to stdout /u remove all predefined macros /EP preprocess to stdout, no #line /I<dir> add to include search path /P preprocess to file /X ignore "standard places" -LANGUAGE- /Zi enable debugging information /Zl omit default library name in .OBJ /ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info /Zg generate function prototypes /Z7 enable old-style debug info /Zs syntax check only /Zd line number debugging info only /vd{0|1} disable/enable vtordisp /Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary /vm<x> type of pointers to members /Za disable extensions (implies /Op) /noBool disable "bool" keyword /Ze enable extensions (default) -MISCELLANEOUS- /?, /help print this help message /V<string> set version string /c compile only, no link /w disable all warnings /H<num> max external name length /W<n> set warning level (default n=1) /J default char type is unsigned /WX treat warnings as errors /nologo suppress copyright message /Yc[file] create .PCH file /Tc<source file> compile file as .c /Yd put debug info in every .OBJ /Tp<source file> compile file as .cpp /Yu[file] use .PCH file /TC compile all files as .c /YX[file] automatic .PCH /TP compile all files as .cpp /Zm<n> max memory alloc (% of default) -LINKING- /MD link with MSVCRT.LIB /MDd link with MSVCRTD.LIB debug lib /ML link with LIBC.LIB /MLd link with LIBCD.LIB debug lib /MT link with LIBCMT.LIB /MTd link with LIBCMTD.LIB debug lib /LD Create .DLL /F<num> set stack size /LDd Create .DLL debug libary /link [linker options and libraries]
Kääntäjä löytää .h-tiedostot kun lisäät Tools->Options->Directories kohtaan "Include files" haluamasi hakemiston.
Joo toi /TC se olikin. Tack så mycket! :>
Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.