Mikähän on kun toisten koneilla tulee parin minuutin käytön jälkeen "AppName: profighter.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 0002ae22" - lähetä virhe raportti virhe?
Ja joidenkin koneilla koko kone sammuu kun avaa mun ohjelman.
Tässä on Form_Load
Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo Err wrongGuess = MakeBitmap(App.path & "/bitmaps/wrongguess.bmp") CubeCompleted = MakeBitmap(App.path & "/bitmaps/completedcube.bmp") Strange = MakeBitmap(App.path & "/bitmaps/strange.bmp") SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 camoComplete = 0 Dim version As String Dim newest As String version = "1.0.0." & App.Revision App.TaskVisible = False ChatX = 4 ChatY = 343 ChatX2 = 494 ChatY2 = 459 OnkoRuokaa = 0 autoeat = 0 afg = "693845" Dim pass As String Dim dd As String dodd dd = "" a234355 pass = Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/5" & dd) WaitMS 50 pass = pass & Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/4" & dd) WaitMS 50 pass = pass & Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/3" & dd) WaitMS 50 Dim that As String that = (Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/pf_users/" & InputBox("Username:"))) If that = "0" Then Else MsgBox "Invalid/removed username." End End If WaitMS 50 pass = pass & Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/2" & dd) WaitMS 50 pass = pass & Inet1.OpenURL((afg) & "/1" & dd) WaitMS 50 If pass = "" Then MsgBox "Error: Couldn't download password." End End If If Not (InputBox("Auth pass:", "ProFighter")) = pass Then MsgBox "Wrong password!", vbCritical Me.Enabled = False End Else Me.Show Me.Enabled = True End If newest = Inet1.OpenURL("www.jrantala.com/pfversion.txt") If Not version = newest Then response = MsgBox("Your version of PF is " & version & " and version in internet is " & newest & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to download it now?", vbYesNo) If response = vbYes Then MsgBox "ProFighter will shut down now. To update you must replace all old files in ProFighter's folder" ShellExecute hwnd, "open", "http://www.jrantala.com/ProFighter.zip", vbNullString, vbNullString, conSwNormal End End If End If Me.Show CruelLib_Init df_var_initialize App.TaskVisible = False command8.Picture = Picture1.Picture Picture2.Picture = Picture1.Picture command9.Picture = Picture1.Picture Label4.Caption = df_var(1) attpic = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\att.bmp") boxpic = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\box.bmp") maze = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\maze.bmp") dead = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\dead.bmp") cant = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\cant.bmp") camo = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\camo.bmp") scape = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\scaperune.bmp") talkto = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\talkto.bmp") pot1 = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\pot1.bmp") pot0 = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\pot0.bmp") pot2 = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\pot2.bmp") pot3 = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\pot3.bmp") black = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\black.bmp") pot4 = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\pot4.bmp") Mordaut = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\mordaut.bmp") dropStr = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\dropstr.bmp") camoDone = MakeBitmap(App.path & "\bitmaps\camodone.bmp") stat(0) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num0.bmp") stat(1) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num1.bmp") stat(2) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num2.bmp") stat(3) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num3.bmp") stat(4) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num4.bmp") stat(5) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num5.bmp") stat(6) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num6.bmp") stat(7) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num7.bmp") stat(8) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num8.bmp") stat(9) = LoadGraphicDC(App.path & "/Bitmaps/Num9.bmp") UseTheBrains If GetAppletWnd(SelWnd, True) = 0 Then End If Exit Sub Err: MsgBox "Error (Form_Load): " & Error End End Sub
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