


Keskustelu: Ohjelmointikysymykset: C++: FMOD taajuudet

kayttaja-3842 [23.11.2006 17:44:53]


Jälleen kerran ongelmia. Eli tarkoituksena olisi saada selville äänen eri taajuudet, eli esim. basso, keski ja korkea ääni. Kun äänet on jotenkin saatu selville pitäisi saada vielä jotenkin niihin säätömahdollisuudet. Esim. bassoa pitäisi saada säädettyä esim. isommalle tai pienemmälle. Kuten varmaan otsikosta selvisi äänirajapintana käytetään FMOD:ia ja mitä itse katsoin googlesta ei FMOD:sa ole valmiita funktioita minkä avulla nämä pystyisi selvittämään saati säätämään. Jos joku tietää mitemn nämä on mahdollista saada selville olisi kiva, että kertoisit sen minullekkin :).

pieslice [27.11.2006 14:08:21]


sun pitää kirjoittaa oma ekvalisaattori DSP FMODin DSP rajapintaa käyttäen.

tässä haettu yksinkertainen EQ, sovella...

3 Band Equaliser

References : Posted by Neil C

Notes :
Simple 3 band equaliser with adjustable low and high frequencies ...

Fairly fast algo, good quality output (seems to be accoustically transparent with all gains set to 1.0)

How to use ...

1. First you need to declare a state for your eq


2. Now initialise the state (we'll assume your output frequency is 48Khz)


Your EQ bands are now as follows (approximatley!)

low band = 0Hz to 880Hz
mid band = 880Hz to 5000Hz
high band = 5000Hz to 24000Hz

3. Set the gains to some values ...

eq.lg = 1.5; // Boost bass by 50% = 0.75; // Cut mid by 25%
eq.hg = 1.0; // Leave high band alone

4. You can now EQ some samples

out_sample = do_3band(eq,in_sample)

Have fun and mail me if any problems ... etanza at lycos dot co dot uk

Neil C / Etanza Systems, 2006 :)

Code :
First the header file ....
//                                3 Band EQ :)
// EQ.H - Header file for 3 band EQ
// (c) Neil C / Etanza Systems / 2K6
// Shouts / Loves / Moans = etanza at lycos dot co dot uk
// This work is hereby placed in the public domain for all purposes, including
// use in commercial applications.
// The author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems caused by the use of
// this software.

#ifndef __EQ3BAND__
#define __EQ3BAND__

// ------------
//| Structures |
// ------------

typedef struct
  // Filter #1 (Low band)

  double  lf;       // Frequency
  double  f1p0;     // Poles ...
  double  f1p1;
  double  f1p2;
  double  f1p3;

  // Filter #2 (High band)

  double  hf;       // Frequency
  double  f2p0;     // Poles ...
  double  f2p1;
  double  f2p2;
  double  f2p3;

  // Sample history buffer

  double  sdm1;     // Sample data minus 1
  double  sdm2;     //                   2
  double  sdm3;     //                   3

  // Gain Controls

  double  lg;       // low  gain
  double  mg;       // mid  gain
  double  hg;       // high gain


// ---------
//| Exports |
// ---------

extern void   init_3band_state(EQSTATE* es, int lowfreq, int highfreq, int mixfreq);
extern double do_3band(EQSTATE* es, double sample);

#endif // #ifndef __EQ3BAND__

Now the source ...
//                                3 Band EQ :)
// EQ.C - Main Source file for 3 band EQ
// (c) Neil C / Etanza Systems / 2K6
// Shouts / Loves / Moans = etanza at lycos dot co dot uk
// This work is hereby placed in the public domain for all purposes, including
// use in commercial applications.
// The author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems caused by the use of
// this software.

// NOTES :
// - Original filter code by Paul Kellet (musicdsp.pdf)
// - Uses 4 first order filters in series, should give 24dB per octave
// - Now with P4 Denormal fix :)


// ----------
//| Includes |
// ----------

#include <math.h>
#include "eq.h"

// -----------
//| Constants |
// -----------

static double vsa = (1.0 / 4294967295.0);   // Very small amount (Denormal Fix)

// ---------------
//| Initialise EQ |
// ---------------

// Recommended frequencies are ...
//  lowfreq  = 880  Hz
//  highfreq = 5000 Hz
// Set mixfreq to whatever rate your system is using (eg 48Khz)

void init_3band_state(EQSTATE* es, int lowfreq, int highfreq, int mixfreq)
  // Clear state


  // Set Low/Mid/High gains to unity

  es->lg = 1.0;
  es->mg = 1.0;
  es->hg = 1.0;

  // Calculate filter cutoff frequencies

  es->lf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double)lowfreq / (double)mixfreq));
  es->hf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double)highfreq / (double)mixfreq));

// ---------------
//| EQ one sample |
// ---------------

// - sample can be any range you like :)
// Note that the output will depend on the gain settings for each band
// (especially the bass) so may require clipping before output, but you
// knew that anyway :)

double do_3band(EQSTATE* es, double sample)
  // Locals

  double  l,m,h;      // Low / Mid / High - Sample Values

  // Filter #1 (lowpass)

  es->f1p0  += (es->lf * (sample   - es->f1p0)) + vsa;
  es->f1p1  += (es->lf * (es->f1p0 - es->f1p1));
  es->f1p2  += (es->lf * (es->f1p1 - es->f1p2));
  es->f1p3  += (es->lf * (es->f1p2 - es->f1p3));

  l          = es->f1p3;

  // Filter #2 (highpass)

  es->f2p0  += (es->hf * (sample   - es->f2p0)) + vsa;
  es->f2p1  += (es->hf * (es->f2p0 - es->f2p1));
  es->f2p2  += (es->hf * (es->f2p1 - es->f2p2));
  es->f2p3  += (es->hf * (es->f2p2 - es->f2p3));

  h          = es->sdm3 - es->f2p3;

  // Calculate midrange (signal - (low + high))

  m          = es->sdm3 - (h + l);

  // Scale, Combine and store

  l         *= es->lg;
  m         *= es->mg;
  h         *= es->hg;

  // Shuffle history buffer

  es->sdm3   = es->sdm2;
  es->sdm2   = es->sdm1;
  es->sdm1   = sample;

  // Return result

  return(l + m + h);



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