


Keskustelu: Ohjelmointikysymykset: QB: QuickerBASIC

E.K.Virtanen [24.10.2006 22:26:48]


Luin juuri tuossa uudesta BASIC variantista. Kuulostaa mielenkiintoiselta, joskin *nix tuesta en tiedä koska sorsaforge ei nyt thado mulla oikein kunnolla pelittää.


someone42 posted this news to qbasicnews.

QuickerBasic 0.1b has been released.

Win32 binaries can be found at
Source can be found at

Perhaps the most prominent feature of QuickerBasic is its use of GCC as its code generator. This permits a wide range of optimisation options to be used. Supported language constructs include PRINT/INPUT, loops, functions, arrays, user-defined types, pointers, various selection constructs, and a variety of mathematical and conversion functions.

QuickerBasic does implement array bounds checking and signed overflow checking, but those can be turned off via. statements in the source code, and/or command line arguments. Because of the use of GCC as the code generator, turning off checking basically gives you C with QuickBasic syntax.

The provided interface to the compiler is a command-line client (qbc.exe), but QuickerBasic is implemented mostly through a DLL, so an IDE can directly interface with the compiler. If anyone has comments, suggestions, wants to work on QuickerBasic or needs help using it, don't hesitate to post here.

Antti Laaksonen [24.10.2006 23:01:39]


Kiinnostavan oloinen tekele. Pari pientä ohjelmaa kääntyi ongelmitta, mutta yhdessä suuremmassa oli ongelmia aliohjelman parametrien kanssa. Täytyy seurata projektin kehitystä.

E.K.Virtanen [24.10.2006 23:29:19]


Tuossa tuota sorsaa katsellessani ajattelin vain itsekseni että miksei vastaavaa näe useammin. Koodikin voi olla "kaunista" :D


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