Yksinkertainen tasohyppely testi Hollywoodilla. Normaalisti pelin kartta olisi varmaankin tallennettuna tile-pohjaisesti muistin ja tilan säästämiseksi, eikä suoraan kuviksi.
Hollywood on syntaksiltaan selkokielisen helppo ja dokumentaatio on niin kattava, että tuosta esimerkistä varmaan joku tasohyppelyn tekemistä miettivä aloittelija voi jotain irti saadakin.
Lataa esimerkki datatiedostoineen tuolta: http://www.mediafire.com/?8s29f1zfxolohix
Hollywoodin voit tutustua ja ladata demo version, millä esimerkkikin toimii: http://www.hollywood-mal.com/
@APPICON {Ic16x16 = "my16x16icon.png", Ic24x24 = "my24x24icon.png", Ic32x32 = "my32x32icon.png", Ic48x48 = "my48x48icon.png", Ic128x128 = "my128x128icon.png", Ic256x256 = "my256x256icon.png", Ic512x512 = "my512x512icon.png"} @SCREEN {Mode = "Windowed"} @VERSION 2,0 /* Hollywood 2.0 strictly required */ /* ** External data */ @MUSIC 1, "1-01_main_theme_and_overworld.mp3" @MUSIC 2, "intro.mod" @SAMPLE 1, "smb_jumpsmall.wav" @SAMPLE 2, "smb_coin.wav" @SAMPLE 3, "smb_stomp.wav" @BRUSH 5, "mario_world3.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 11, "sky.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 12, "bg.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 13, "mountains.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 9, "mario.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 10, "baddie.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 8, "coin.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @BRUSH 15, "gcm.png", {LoadAlpha = True} @DISPLAY {Width = 640, Height = 480, Title = "Another poor quality release from jalski's game factory: Shitty Mario World"} Const #GRAVITY = 0.45 mario = {} mario.x = 32 mario.y = 400 + 32 mario.xs = 0 mario.vy = 0 mario.frame = 0 mario.flipx = 0 mario.jumping = False mario.scrollx = 0 mario.scrolling = False mario.cpx = { bottom = { -11, 9 }, top = { 21, 41}, right = { 26, 30 }, left = { -30, -28 } } mario.cpy = { bottom = { 32, 32 }, top = { 0, 0 }, right = { -10, -17}, left = {-17, -10} } Function mario:move() If mario.scrolling = False Then self.x = self.x + self.xs If self.x < 32 Then self.x = 32 If self.x > 640 - 32 Then self.x = 640 - 32 self.vy = self.vy + #GRAVITY If self.vy <> 0 Then mario.jumping = True self.y = self.y + self.vy self:CheckLevelCollision() EndFunction Function mario:animate() Local time = GetTimer(3) If time > 1000/6 If self.jumping self.frame = 2 ElseIf self.xs <> 0 Or mario.scrolling = True self.frame = self.frame + 1 self.frame = Wrap(self.frame, 0, 2) Else self.frame = 0 EndIf ResetTimer(3) EndIf EndFunction Function mario:draw() Local framesy = { 0, 65, 129 } DisplayBrushPart(9, 0, framesy[self.frame], self.x, self.y, 64, 64, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) EndFunction Function mario:CheckLevelCollision() Local col SelectBrush(15) col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx]) While col = #RED self.y = self.y - 0.5 col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx]) Wend col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx] + 1) If col = #RED self.vy = 0 self.jumping = False EndIf If self.vy > 0 col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx]) While col = $26FF self.y = self.y - 0.5 col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx]) Wend col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.bottom[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.bottom[self.flipx] + 1) If col = $26FF self.vy = 0 self.jumping = False EndIf EndIf col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.right[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.right[self.flipx]) While col = #RED self.x = self.x - 1 col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.right[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.right[self.flipx]) Wend col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.left[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.left[self.flipx]) While col = #RED self.x = self.x + 1 col = ReadPixel(self.scrollx + self.x + self.cpx.left[self.flipx], self.y + self.cpy.left[self.flipx]) Wend EndSelect EndFunction coins = {} coins.coins = { { x = 100, y = 200}, { x = 350, y = 250 }, { x = 900, y = 300 }, { x = 1500, y = 200 }, { x = 1500, y = 280 }, { x= 1500, y = 360} } Function coins:draw() Local a, b = NextItem(self.coins) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.x >= mario.scrollx - 16 And mario.scrollx <= b.x + 640 + 16 DisplayBrush(8, b.x - mario.scrollx, b.y, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.coins, a) Wend EndFunction Function coins:del(pos) RemoveItem(self.coins, pos) EndFunction Function coins:collision() Local framesy = { 0, 65, 129 } CopyBrush(9, 20) CropBrush(20, 0, framesy[mario.frame], 64, 64) Local w1 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,20,#ATTRWIDTH) Local h1 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,20,#ATTRHEIGHT) Local w2 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,8,#ATTRWIDTH) Local h2 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,8,#ATTRHEIGHT) Local a, b = NextItem(self.coins) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.x >= mario.scrollx - 16 And mario.scrollx <= b.x + 640 + 16 If Collision(#BRUSH, 20, mario.scrollx + mario.x - w1/2, mario.y - h1/2, 8, b.x - w2/2, b.y - h2/2) self:del(a) ccount = ccount + 1 PlaySample(2) Break EndIf EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.coins, a) Wend EndFunction baddies = {} baddies.baddies = { { x = 1500, y = 25, sx = -1, vy = 0, alpha = 255, minx = 1300, maxx = 1500, frame = 0, dying = False, cpx = { bottom = 0, top = 0, left = -10, right = 10 }, cpy = { bottom = 25, top = -25, left = -25, right = 25 } }, { x = 600, y = 400, sx = -1, vy = 0, alpha = 255, minx = 25, maxx = 800, frame = 0, dying = False, cpx = { bottom = 0, top = 0, left = -10, right = 10 }, cpy = { bottom = 25, top = -25, left = -25, right = 25 } }, { x = 200, y = 300, sx = -1, vy = 0, alpha = 255, minx = 25, maxx = 800, frame = 0, dying = False, cpx = { bottom = 0, top = 0, left = -10, right = 10 }, cpy = { bottom = 25, top = -25, left = -25, right = 25 } }, { x = 2500, y = 300, sx = -1, vy = 0, alpha = 255, minx = 25, maxx = 2500, frame = 0, dying = False, cpx = { bottom = 0, top = 0, left = -10, right = 10 }, cpy = { bottom = 25, top = -25, left = -25, right = 25 } } } Function baddies:del(pos) RemoveItem(self.baddies, pos) EndFunction Function baddies:move() Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL b.x = b.x + b.sx If b.x <= b.minx Then b.sx = -b.sx If b.x >= b.maxx Then b.sx = -b.sx b.vy = b.vy + #GRAVITY b.y = b.y + b.vy self:CheckLevelCollision() a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend EndFunction Function baddies:animate() Local time = GetTimer(2) If time > 1000/2 Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.dying = True b.frame = 2 b.alpha = b.alpha - 0.75 If b.alpha < 0 Then self:del(a) Else b.frame = b.frame + 1 b.frame = Wrap(b.frame, 0, 2) EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend ResetTimer(2) Else Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.dying = True b.frame = 2 b.alpha = b.alpha - 4.5 If b.alpha < 0 Then self:del(a) EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend EndIf EndFunction Function baddies:draw() Local framesx = { 0, 50, 100 } ;CopyBrush(10, 25) ;CropBrush(25, 100, 0, 50, 50) ;CopyBrush(25, 26) Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.x >= mario.scrollx - 25 And mario.scrollx <= b.x + 640 + 25 If b.dying = True ; Really should pre-calculate! SelectAlphaChannel(26) SetAlphaIntensity(0) Cls SetAlphaIntensity(b.alpha) DisplayBrush(25, #CENTER, #CENTER) EndSelect DisplayBrush(26, b.x - mario.scrollx, b.y, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) Else DisplayBrushPart(10, framesx[b.frame], 0, b.x - mario.scrollx, b.y, 50, 50, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) EndIf EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend EndFunction Function baddies:collision() Local framesy = { 0, 65, 129 } CopyBrush(9, 20) CropBrush(20, 0, framesy[mario.frame], 64, 64) Local w1 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,20,#ATTRWIDTH) Local h1 = GetAttribute(#BRUSH,20,#ATTRHEIGHT) Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL If b.x >= mario.scrollx - 50 And mario.scrollx <= b.x + 640 + 50 If Collision(#BRUSH_VS_BOX, 20, mario.scrollx + mario.x - w1/2, mario.y - h1/2, b.x + b.cpx.left, b.y + b.cpy.top, 20, 50) If (mario.y + mario.cpy.bottom[mario.flipx]) <= (b.y + b.cpy.top + mario.vy) And mario.vy >= 0 b.dying = True b.sx = 0 PlaySample(3) Break Else ;mario dies! EndIf EndIf EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend EndFunction Function baddies:CheckLevelCollision() Local col SelectBrush(15) Local a, b = NextItem(self.baddies) While GetType(a) <> #NIL col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom) While col = #RED b.y = b.y - 0.5 col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom) Wend col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom + 1) If col = #RED b.vy = 0 EndIf If b.vy > 0 col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom) While col = $26FF b.y = b.y - 0.5 col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom) Wend col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.bottom, b.y + b.cpy.bottom + 1) If col = $26FF b.vy = 0 EndIf EndIf col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.right, b.y + b.cpy.right) While col = #RED b.x = b.x - 1 col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.right, b.y + b.cpy.right) Wend col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.right + 1, b.y + b.cpy.right) If col = #RED b.sx = -b.sx b.x = b.x + b.sx EndIf col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.left, b.y + b.cpy.left) While col = #RED b.x = b.x + 1 col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.left, b.y + b.cpy.left) Wend col = ReadPixel(b.x + b.cpx.left - 1, b.y + b.cpy.left) If col = #RED b.sx = -b.sx b.x = b.x + b.sx EndIf a, b = NextItem(self.baddies, a) Wend EndSelect EndFunction Function p_MainLoop() If IsKeyDown("LEFT") If(mario.flipx <> 1) mario.flipx = 1 FlipBrush(9, True) EndIf mario.xs = mario.xs - 0.5 If mario.xs < -2.5 Then mario.xs = -2.5 If mario.x < 0 + 128 And mario.scrollx > 0 + Abs(mario.xs) mario.scrolling = True mario.scrollx = mario.scrollx + mario.xs Else mario.scrolling = False EndIf ElseIf IsKeyDown("RIGHT") If(mario.flipx <> 0) mario.flipx = 0 FlipBrush(9, True) EndIf mario.xs = mario.xs + 0.5 If mario.xs > 2.5 Then mario.xs = 2.5 If mario.x >= 640 - 128 And mario.scrollx < 1920 - Abs(mario.xs) mario.scrolling = True mario.scrollx = mario.scrollx + mario.xs Else mario.scrolling = False EndIf Else mario.xs = 0 mario.scrolling = False EndIf If IsKeyDown("UP") And mario.jumping = False mario.vy = -10.5 PlaySample(1) EndIf mario:move() baddies:move() coins:collision() baddies:collision() p_DrawBackground(mario.scrollx) coins:draw() baddies:animate() baddies:draw() mario:animate() mario:draw() Box(#LEFT, #TOP, boxw, boxh, #BLACK) TextOut(#LEFT, #TOP, "COINS: " .. ccount) Flip EndFunction Function p_DrawBackGround(sx) DisplayBrushPart(11, sx/3, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480) DisplayBrushPart(13, sx/2, 0, 0, 480-290, 640, 290) DisplayBrushPart(12, sx, 0, 0, 480-242, 640, 242) EndFunction Function p_Zoomit(t$) Local sx, sy, trans = 1, 1, 0 TextOut(#CENTER, #CENTER, t$, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) For Local k = 1 To 20 sx = sx + 0.2 sy = sy + 0.2 trans = trans + (255 / 20) SetLayerStyle(1, {ScaleX = sx, ScaleY = sy, Transparency = trans}) WaitTimer(1, 1000/25) Next EndFunction Function p_RotoZoom() Local framesx = { 0, 50, 100 } Local sx, sy, trans, ang = 1, 1, 0, 0 DisplayBrushPart(10, framesx[0], 0, #CENTER, #CENTER, 50, 50, {AnchorX = 0.5, AnchorY = 0.5}) For Local k = 1 To 20 sx = sx + 0.5 sy = sy + 0.5 trans = trans + (255 / 20) ang = ang + 18 ang = Wrap(ang, 0, 360) SetLayerStyle(1, {ScaleX = sx, ScaleY = sy, Rotate = ang, Transparency = trans}) WaitTimer(1, 1000/25) Next EndFunction SetFillStyle(#FILLCOLOR) SetFont(#TRUETYPE_DEFAULT, 50) SetFontColor(#WHITE) ; Dying frame for fading out the squashed enemy CopyBrush(10, 25) CropBrush(25, 100, 0, 50, 50) CopyBrush(25, 26) EscapeQuit(True) PlayMusic(2) StartTimer(1) EnableLayers WaitPatternPosition(23) p_ZoomIt("Get ready") RemoveLayer(1) WaitPatternPosition(30) p_ZoomIt("for some") RemoveLayer(1) WaitPatternPosition(37) p_ZoomIt("old school") RemoveLayer(1) WaitPatternPosition(44) p_ZoomIt("gaming action") RemoveLayer(1) p_RotoZoom() RemoveLayer(1) DisableLayers ; Display start screen MoveBrush(5, #CENTER, #BOTTOMOUT, #CENTER, #CENTER, 1) WaitKeyDown("SPACE") ResetTimer(1) PlaySample(2) WaitTimer(1, 1500) StopTimer(1) StopMusic(2) SetFont(#TRUETYPE_DEFAULT, 18) boxw = TextWidth("coins: 10000") boxh = TextHeight("coins: 10000") ccount = 0 ; Game time! BeginDoubleBuffer StartTimer(2) StartTimer(3) SetVolume(1, 30) SetVolume(2, 30) SetVolume(3, 30) PlayMusic(1) SetInterval(1, p_MainLoop, 1000/50) ; 50fps Repeat WaitEvent Forever
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