


Keskustelu: Yleinen keskustelu: Etsitään aloittelija iOS-ohjelmoijaa tekemään iOS puoli hybridiapp:sta

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mavavilj [08.12.2023 14:28:43]


I am looking for a beginner iOS developer for testing the iOS part of a small Android/iOS hybrid app.

I only own an Android phone. I need to produce an iOS version.

My stack is:

-a C (C++ bindings available) web server that already works on Android and that is buildable on iOS. On Android side JNI is only used to launch the thing, otherwise it is all C/C++ that only uses the cross-platform libraries.

-Mozilla Web API front-end for the GUI and other input.

These are cross-platform code, but I cannot test the iOS side.

Position is unpaid due to the likely inclusion of a GPL-licensed library. Or well, technically the program can still be paid for, or we could consider adding ads. However, the potential user base is as of now known to possibly not be very large, although the application is still quite important for its user base (it solves an important problem), and as far as I know the app is first of its kind. You will get your name on the project, and the project is well-suited for someone who is learning about iOS development, web servers on mobile platforms, the Mozilla Web API or building a hybrid app (e.g. versus a native one).

I am going to require a form of NDA not because there's money involved, but because I think the project idea should not be leaked because the app has the potential to be the first in the market. Even if the project output is GPL-licensed, the idea should be protected until that.

(I also speak Finnish)

Jaska [20.12.2023 11:21:23]


One should be careful when one provides unpaid internships. Koska palkaton työharjoittelu on lainmukainen? – Tarkista se täältä

mavavilj [20.12.2023 16:40:34]


Jaska kirjoitti:

One should be careful when one provides unpaid internships. Koska palkaton työharjoittelu on lainmukainen? – Tarkista se täältä

Yes, but it is really a personal project, because I am also using it to learn Android, NDK and WebSockets. I added the notions about monetization strategies, because I thought it would be easier to find developers instead of asking for someone to work for free. Also, the problem of no money is about the project. If you want to be paid, then you need to help with monetization.

The project is also not associated with any company.

It is still useful as experience though, because it solves an actual problem.

mavavilj [22.12.2023 10:34:43]


The project is also not particularly large. It (the iOS side) consists approximately:

-building the C web server for iOS and testing that it works locally
-building the associated C code for processing input in the backend
-deploying a websocket server using the web server (there exists an example C implementation)
-testing that a cross-platform GUI originally deployed for Firefox on Android works on Safari on iOS and modifying the code if needed

A guess on hours is 2-30 hours depending on level of experience. It's doable in two hours if you already know how to build C for iOS. I have spent a week on the Android side, but it is because I was learning NDK the first time.

jalski [27.12.2023 19:56:26]


mavavilj kirjoitti:

-building the C web server for iOS and testing that it works locally
-building the associated C code for processing input in the backend
-deploying a websocket server using the web server (there exists an example C implementation)
-testing that a cross-platform GUI originally deployed for Firefox on Android works on Safari on iOS and modifying the code if needed

Why run Web server on iOS or Android instead of just running client software? Why using C is a requirement? I think Swift would be a better fit on iOS and Java on Android.

I am currently writing my own home automation software using 8th programming language. I use a simple Pub/Sub messaging on top of WebSockets. Here is a simple test. Finished version will not host Web interface, just a Pub/Sub server. Public key authentication will be used and data will be encrypted. Users belong into groups and can publish and join topics inside their own groups. Mobile UI is provided by 8th as a Nuklear based GUI.

mavavilj [28.12.2023 11:17:24]


jalski kirjoitti:

(27.12.2023 19:56:26): ”– –” Why run Web server on iOS or Android instead of...

My idea was to explore the idea of building truly cross-platform programs so that the same source could be deployed on multiple platforms with ease.

The web server acts on localhost. Except for SSL it's also pretty easy to deploy.

That + a passionate hate for Java.

8th looked nice, but seems to require a Mac.

jalski [28.12.2023 14:53:25]


mavavilj kirjoitti:

8th looked nice, but seems to require a Mac.

Only iOS development requires a Mac. Android target needs just Java SDK and commandline build tools.

mavavilj [04.01.2024 14:51:21]


Mahdollista myös toteuttaa natiiviapp, jos sovitaan.

mavavilj [29.02.2024 20:05:41]


Stack muuttunut silleen, että web serveri toimii, mutta oli vähän bloat-viritys.

Nyt aluilla on GeckoView Android:lla, josta pitäisi siirtyä asiat nätimmin Kotlin:n ja NDK:n välillä käyttäen Native messaging API:a.

mavavilj [23.04.2024 15:31:49]



mavavilj [24.05.2024 17:04:13]



Metabolix [27.05.2024 18:59:41]


mavavilj kirjoitti:

PS: ei saa olla ruma.
Note: only attractive applicants (face score > 4/5) considered.

No niin, eiköhän se keskustelu ollut siinä. Vaikka sitten poistitkin viestisi (lähetysaika 27.05.2024 18:57:12).

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