Hakee vapaat järjestelmä-, gdi-, ja user-resurssit. Ei kuulemma toimi nt-pohjaisissa:
On 9x systems you can obtain System Resource information by calling the pBGetFreeSystemResources function in Rsrc32.dll. This dll does some thunking and uses Rsrc16.dll. Due to the 16-bit nature of this function, it is not available on the 32-bit NT and Windows 2000 operating systems.
(Eikös 9x:t ole sitten muka 32-bittisiä...) mutta mokomissa nt-pohjaisissa resursseja on "loputtomasti". Lisätietoa: http://www.windows-help.net/techfiles/win-resources.html
Private Declare Function pBGetFreeSystemResources Lib "rsrc32.dll" Alias "_MyGetFreeSystemResources32@4" (ByVal iResType As Integer) As Integer Const SR = 0 Const GDI = 1 Const USR = 2 Private Sub Form_Load() MsgBox pBGetFreeSystemResources(SR), , "Vapaat järjestelmäresurssit" MsgBox pBGetFreeSystemResources(USR), , "Vapaat useriresurssit" MsgBox pBGetFreeSystemResources(GDI), , "Vapaat GDI-resurssit" End Sub
NT pohjaisissako resursseja loputtomasti?
Tuohon en usko.
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