


Keskustelu: Koodit: PHP: BBCode parseri

NiLon [08.02.2007 01:13:30]


Yksinkertainen BBCode parseri, jota käytetää yleisesti foorumeilla. Huomasin että jotkin parserit ovat joko liian yksinkertaisia tai vaikeasti muokattavia omaan käyttöön.

Created by NiLon
Free for non-profit usage ;)

Fast and lightwave BBCode parser.

See BBCodeGreedCallback() and BBCodeCallback() for own tags.

function BBCode($string,$escaped=false) { // string BBCode ( string arg [, bool escaped] )

  $string = htmlspecialchars($string); // Ignore HTML

  if ($escaped) { // Turns escaped tag's to HTMl entities
    $string = str_replace(array('\[','\]'),array('&#91;','&#93;'),$string);

  $pattern = '/\[(\w+)(?:=([^\]]+))?\]([^\[]*)\[\/\1\]/'; // For normal tags
  $greedpattern = '/\[(code)(?:=([^\]]+))?\](.+?)\[\/\1\]/s'; // Greed tags
  $string = preg_replace_callback($greedpattern,'BBCodeGreedCallback',$string); // Call BBCodeGreedCallback() with match
  while (preg_match($pattern,$string)) { // Handle multiple tags with callback
    $string = preg_replace_callback($pattern,'BBCodeCallback',$string);
  $string = BBCodeEscape($string,true); // Turn tag characters back from entities
  return $string;

function BBCodeGreedCallback($match) { // [tagname=parameter]text[/tagname]
  $tagname   = $match[1];
  $parameter = $match[2];
  $text      = BBCodeEscape($match[3]);
  $deftext   = html_entity_decode($match[3]); // For parsers
  $output    = '';

  switch ($tagname) {

    case 'code': // Alternative ways to handle [code] tags; [code], [code=language]

    if ($parameter == '') { // If no language specified
    $output = '<br /><div style="margin: 0px 2%"><strong>Code:</strong><div style="border: 1px solid #666; background-color: #eee">'.$text.'</div></div>';

    $langs = array( // How it should be written and how to show
    'php'		=> 'PHP',
    'cpp'		=> 'C++',
    'python'		=> 'Python',
    'java'		=> 'Java',
    'perl'		=> 'Perl',
    'asm'		=> 'Assembly',
    'html4strict'	=> 'html',
    'mirc'		=> 'mIRC'

    if (array_key_exists($parameter, $langs)) { // If such language exists
    // Possible to use your own syntax highlight parser
    $output = BBCodeSyntaxHighlight($deftext,$parameter,$langs[$parameter]);

    default: // Just escape tag characters so it will be ignored next time
    $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);
  return $output;

function BBCodeCallback($match) { // [tagname=parameter]text[/tagname]
  $tagname   = $match[1];
  $parameter = $match[2];
  $text      = $match[3];
  $output    = '';

  switch ($tagname) {

    case 'url': // [url=url]text[/url], [url]url[/url]
    if ($parameter == '') { $parameter = $text; }
    if (!preg_match('/^\w+:\/\//',$parameter)) { $parameter = 'http://'.$parameter; } // Corrects url
    $urlmatch = '/^(?:([a-z.+-]+):\/\/|())(?:([^@:]+)(?::(.*?)|())@|()())([a-z0-9.-]+)(?::(\d+)|())(\/.*)?$/i';
    if (preg_match($urlmatch,$parameter)) { // Check if it's url
      $output = "<a href=\"$parameter\">$text</a>";
    } else {
      $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);

    case 'img':
    if (!preg_match('/^\w+:\/\//',$text)) { $text = 'http://'.$text; }
    $urlmatch = '/^(?:([a-z.+-]+):\/\/|())(?:([^@:]+)(?::(.*?)|())@|()())([a-z0-9.-]+)(?::(\d+)|())(\/.*)?$/i';
    if (preg_match($urlmatch,$text)) {
      $output = "<img src=\"$text\" alt=\"$text\" />";
    } else {
      $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);

    case 'b':
    $output = "<strong>$text</strong>"; break;

    case 'i':
    $output = "<i>$text</i>"; break;

    case 'u':
    $output = "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline\">$text</span>"; break;

    case 'color': // Text color; [color=#hexacode]text[/color]
    if (preg_match('/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3}|[a-fA-F0-9]{6})$/',$parameter)) { // Check if hexacode is valid
      $output = "<span style=\"color: $parameter\">$text</span>";
    } else {
      $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);

    case 'size': // Font size; [size=px]text[/size]
    if (preg_match('/^\d+$/',$parameter)) { // Only allow reasonable values
    if ($parameter < 6 || $parameter > 24) { $parameter = 'normal'; }
      $output = "<span style=\"font-size: {$parameter}px\">$text</span>";
    } else {
      $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);

    case 'quote': // [quote]text[quote]
    $writer = $parameter!=''?'<span style="font-size: smaller">'.$parameter.' wrote:</span><br />':'';
    $output = '<br /><div style="margin: 0px 2%"><strong>Quote:</strong><div style="border: 1px solid #666; background-color: #eee;">'.$writer.$text.'</div></div>';

    $output = BBCodeEscape($match[0]);
  return $output;

function BBCodeEscape($str,$reversed=false) {
  if ($reversed) {
    return str_replace(array('&#91;','&#93;'),array('[',']'),$str);
  return str_replace(array('[',']'),array('&#91;','&#93;'),$str);

function BBCodeSyntaxHighlight($data,$lang,$alang) {
  $source = "<span style=\"color: #00f\">$data</span>";
  return '<br /><div style="margin: 0px 2%;"><strong>'.$alang.':</strong><div style="border: 1px solid #666; background-color: #eee">'.$source.'</div></div>';


NiLon [08.02.2007 01:16:45]


Hauskasti muokkasi tuota yhtä kommenttia ".. to handle [koodi] tags; [koodi], ...". Alkuperin siinä luki [ code ] :)

Jonkunsortin demo nähtävissä

moptim [10.02.2007 11:28:29]




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