kenties nopeampi tapa avata artikkeli wikipediasta
kieli: ruby
skriptan säännölliseen käyttöön suosittelen pikanäppäintä
# fastwiki.rb - rane # 17.6.2006 # usage: ruby fastwiki.rb # type the name or names of the article(s) you wish to be opened in firefox (or other browser that accepts URLs as arguments) # separate multiple articles with comma. e.g. "foo,bar" # ! -prefix in the article opens the article in secondary language # variables a = ["en", "fi"] # 'foo' opens english wikipedia article meanwhile '!foo' opens finnish path_to_firefox = "path" # change to correct path IF your firefox isn't located in one of the paths below # ---------------- fa = ['/usr/bin/firefox','c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe'] fa.push(path_to_firefox) fa.each do |path| if FileTest.exist?(path) @firefox_path = path break end end puts "Wikipedia article:" article = gets.chomp.gsub(/ /, '_').split(',') cmd = @firefox_path+' ' article.each do |article| if article =~ /[!]/ then cc = a[1] else cc = a[0] end article = article.gsub(/^[!]/, '') wikipedia_url = "http://#{cc}" cmd << wikipedia_url+article+' ' end system(cmd)
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